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词汇 needing
例句 She usually gets her way without needing to pull rank.通常她不需要滥用职权便能如愿。It looks like they won't be needing us any more.看来他们不再需要我们了。He was like a heroin junkie needing his next fix.他就像一个吸食海洛因成瘾的人,吸了这次还想着下一次。Anyone needing transport should ring me.需要用车的人都可以给我打电话。He was blunt about needing more privacy.他直截了当地表示自己需要更多的隐私。The sudden influx of families needing work and housing caused some problems at first.既需要工作又需要住房的家庭突然大量地涌入,在开始的时候造成了一定的困难。With the animals needing regular attention, running a farm can be a tie.由于动物一直需要照顾,经营农场会是一种牵累。The Russians retreated, needing to regroup their forces.俄国人需要重组军队,于是撤退了。The longer your child can go without needing a filling, the better.孩子越晚需要补牙就越好。Every eventuality is covered, from running out of petrol to needing water.从汽油耗尽到用水紧缺,所有可能发生的事情都考虑到了。The longer your child can go without needing a filling, the better.孩子补牙越晚越好。He spun some tale about needing to take time off work because his mother was ill.他编了个瞎话,说他妈妈病了,他需要请假。The players pointed the proverbial finger at themselves as the ones needing to improve.这些球员简直就是在对自己竖中指,其实他们才是需要提高的人。Will you be needing any help?你需要帮助吗?




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