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例句 City officials needed to assuage neighbors' concerns about the new factory.市政官员需要缓解相邻地区对新工厂的忧虑。Many people lack the education and training that is needed for these jobs.很多人缺少从事这些工作需要的教育和培训。She believed that her religion needed to be defended by philosophy and logic.她认为她的宗教需要用哲学和逻辑加以维护。A restructuring of the health-care system is needed.重建医疗保健体系势在必行。All she needed now was for him to load her down with extra work.她现在需要他做的所有事情就是用额外的工作给她加压。She needed some money badly.她急需一些钱。The doctors needed to operate immediately.医生们需要马上开始手术。I've got to go - something has just come up at home and I'm needed there.我得走了——家里刚出了点儿事,需要我去。The increase is needed to meet rising costs.因为成本增加,这种上调是必要的。After finishing school, Craig felt he needed a break from studying.毕业后,克雷格认为自己需要休息一下再去深造。She needed a jolt of caffeine to start her day.她需要以少量咖啡因饮料开始一天的工作。She needed to be reassured of his love for her.她需要证实他是爱她的。She found the reservoirs of energy she needed to finish the job.她找到了完成这份工作所需要的能量。We needed no further encouragement to stop work.我们不需要进一步鼓励就会停工。For some people, marriage is an anachronism from the days when women needed to be protected.对一些人来说,婚姻是妇女需要受保护的时代的产物,而现在已经不合时宜了。I had to keep the video camera readily accessible in case I saw something that needed to be filmed.我必须将摄像机放在触手可及的地方,以便需要拍摄时用得上。Change is certainly needed and the new headteacher needs to get things moving quickly.改革肯定是需要的,新校长必须尽快取得进展。Summer rains came almost on schedule as the crops needed them.夏天的雨总是在庄稼干渴时准时而来。I hope to catch up on some much-needed sleep this weekend.这个周末,我想要好好补个觉。I've analysed the system and made changes where I thought they were needed.我分析了那个系统,在认为有需要的地方作了改动。I'm having a much-needed rest.我实在太累了,正在休息。I realise that he hasn't come up with any new ideas, but by the same token we haven't needed any.我知道他没有想出什么新的点子,不过我们也并不需要。You said you needed a volunteer - well, I'm willing.你说过你需要一名志愿者——我愿意。The company had reached the size where it needed an injection of capital.公司已经壮大了规模,需要资金注入。No special equipment is needed.无需任何专门设备。It is not too late, but prompt action is needed.现在还不太晚,但需要立即采取行动。A review of every facet of police life is urgently needed.当前迫切需要对警察生活的方方面面进行重新评估。The refugees needed to be lodged and fed.难民们需要临时住所和食物。He needed to straighten things out in his mind.他得在脑子里把事情理清楚。He was very accommodating, always asking if I needed anything.他非常乐于助人,总是问我是否需要什么。Irrigation is needed to make crops grow in dry areas.要使庄稼在干旱地区生长就需灌溉。In the last ten minutes of the game, we needed to defend.我们得在比赛的最后十分钟内进行防守。He needed a more accurate term to describe the procedure.他需要一个更确切的术语来描述这一过程。The actual amount of water needed by the crop depends on the weather conditions.庄稼的实际需水量取决于天气状况。All it needed was a good tug.只要用力地拉一下就行了。She needed greater fulfilment in her job.她需要从工作中获得更大的满足感。More vigorous action is needed to force the federal army to disengage.需要更强有力的行动来迫使联邦军队撤军。Further examination is needed to exclude the chance of disease.仍需进一步检查以排除患病的可能性。She needed emergency surgery after the accident.事故发生后,她需要做急救手术。They needed to get more senators on board for the bill to pass.要通过这个法案他们需要更多参议员的支持。




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