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词汇 mutiny
例句 The sailors were flogged for attempting a mutiny.那些水手因企图哗变而遭到鞭打。The crew was threatening to mutiny.船员威胁说要哗变。They were shot after being convicted of mutiny and high treason.在被判犯有叛变罪和叛国罪后,他们被枪决了。The mutiny was led by the ship's cook.哗变是船上的厨师带的头。He was charged with the authorship of the mutiny.他被指控煽动这次叛变。A mutiny has taken place off the coast of South America.在南美洲海岸外的舰艇上发生了一次哗变。He drove the crew to the verge of mutiny.他把船员们逼到了反叛的边缘。He led a mutiny against the captain.他领导了一场反对船长的哗变。The ringleaders were arrested and charged with mutiny.为首的人遭到逮捕并以叛乱罪被起诉。The film tells the story of a mutiny aboard a slave ship.影片讲述的是发生在一艘贩奴船上的哗变。They were shot yesterday after being convicted of mutiny and high treason.在被宣判犯有叛乱罪和叛国罪后,他们昨天被枪决了。Conditions on the ship were often very bad, and crews were on the point of mutiny.船上的情况常常十分糟糕,船员们随时可能发生哗变。He led a military mutiny against the senior generals.他发动了一场反对高级将领的兵变。Restrictions had warmed the crew to the point of mutiny.种种限制使船员们愤愤然而快要哗变了。Failure to obey orders on a ship is mutiny.在船上不执行命令就是哗变。The sailors staged a mutiny and took control of the ship.水手发起叛乱并控制了这艘船。




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