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词汇 muted
例句 At twilight, the blazing orange sunset turned into a muted pink.黄昏时,落日那耀眼的金黄色光芒变成了柔和的粉红色。The threat contrasted starkly with his administration's previous muted criticism.这一威胁和他这届政府之前低调的指责形成了鲜明的对比。The artist chose colors that are dark and muted.这位艺术家选择了深暗的颜色。Reaction to the news was muted.人们对这则新闻反应冷淡。The incident so shocked all the students that it muted further protest.这个事件使所有的学生都很震惊,平息了进一步的抗议。She was dressed in muted shades of blue.她身穿色调柔和的蓝色衣服。The response from local businesses has been muted.当地商界的反应一直不明确。Everyone was sitting round discussing the accident in muted voices.大家围坐在一起压低声音讨论着这次事故。We muted our voices.我们降低了说话的声音。The idea received a muted response.这个想法反应平平。The green-tinted windows muted the light flowing from the small room.绿色的玻璃窗使从小房间里照射出来的光线不那么耀眼。The house seemed muted, hushed as if it had been deserted.房子里似乎悄然无声,安静得好像无人居住一般。A muted light came from the second storey.从二楼照过来一道柔和的光。Initial public reaction has been muted.公众最初的反应已趋于缓和。We painted our house a muted blue.我们将房子刷成了暗蓝色。She got a shock when Matey responded, her usually plangent tones muted.麦蒂的回应把她吓了一跳,以往说话响亮的她哑口无言了。His shirt looked out of place against the muted greys and blues of the Chinese.在与中国人不显眼的灰色和蓝色衣服对比之下,他的衬衫显得很不协调。The speech received only a muted response from the unions.对这次演讲工会只有温和的反应。Carpets muted the sound of footsteps.地毯减轻了脚步声。The house seemed muted, hushed as if it had been deserted.房子里似乎悄然无声,安静得好像已经没人在住一样。The financial markets gave a muted response to the Democrats' triumph.金融市场对民主党的胜利反响不大。At first the wooded hillsides muted the sounds.最初长满树木的山坡吸收了噪音。Their proposal has drawn a muted reaction from most observers.大多数观察者对他们的提议反应平平。Their reaction to the news was somewhat muted.他们对这个消息的反应有点儿平淡。There was rather a muted response to the speech.人们对这次演说反应相当冷淡。The corruption does not seem to have muted the country's prolonged economic boom.腐败似乎没有影响国家经济的持续繁荣。He likes sombre, muted colours — she likes bright colours.他喜欢暗淡、柔和的颜色;而她喜欢明艳的颜色。There were muted cheers from the public gallery.旁听席传出了轻微的欢呼声。The government chose a more muted response to the threat.政府对恐吓采取了比较温和的回应。The song features muted trumpets.这首歌的伴奏中用上了装了弱音器的小号。On the whole, criticism was muted.总的来说,批评声减少了。Heavy curtains muted the noise of the traffic.厚厚的窗帘减弱了交通噪声。Even a relatively prosperous life on the farm has not muted the lure of cities.甚至农场里比较富裕的生活也未能削弱城市的诱惑力。We've chosen muted pastels for the bedrooms.我们的卧室选用了柔和的浅颜色。There was muted agreement from most of the people in the room.房间里大多数人都含蓄地表示同意。The loud colors in this room need to be muted.这个房间里花哨的颜色需要调和一下。The walls were painted in muted tones to show the pictures to good advantage.墙面被漆成了淡色调,以突出照片。He likes sombre, muted colour; she likes bright colours.他喜欢阴沉暗淡的颜色,而她则喜欢明快的色彩。The thick carpet muted the noise coming from the flat below.厚地毯减弱了楼下房间传来的噪声。McLeish is aware that any acclaim is bound to be muted.麦克利什明白任何赞誉都终将归于平静。




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