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词汇 muster
例句 Todd infused his voice with all the confidence he could muster.托德竭尽全力使他的声音充满自信。With as much dignity as he could muster, he left the room.他尽量保持风度地离开了房间。New teams won't be admitted to the league if their stadiums don't pass muster.如果他们的体育馆达不到标准的话,新队是不能参加联赛的。The American journalist passed muster with the slightly suspicious sentries.这位美国记者在哨兵略带怀疑的目光下通过了检查。There was a muster of all the guards.全体卫兵进行了一次集合。He was trying to muster support from MPs.他正试图赢得议员们的支持。There was a muster of all the militiamen.全体民兵进行了一次集合。They passed muster with the sentries.他们通过了哨兵们的检查。His mother couldn't muster the strength to come to the ceremony.他的母亲没能攒足体力来参加典礼。The passports are obviously false: they'll never pass muster at Immigration.这些护照显然是伪造的:它们将无法通过移民局的检查。His first military duty was when he attended the early-morning muster of the regiment.他第一次执行军事任务是参加团里的清晨集合。Slipshod work would never pass muster.草率的工作绝对经不起检验。It took me a year to muster the courage to make the call.我花了一年的时间才鼓足勇气去打这个电话。Does the new manager pass muster?新的经理还过得去吗? Such excuses will not pass muster with him.这种借口在他面前是通不过的。If it doesn't pass muster, a radio station could have its licence challenged.如果不合要求,电台可能会被吊销执照。I could not pass muster in his language.我说不好他的语言。He travelled around West Africa trying to muster support for his movement.他在西非四处奔走,为自己的运动争取支持。I hit him with all the force I could muster.我使上全身气力向他猛击。They pushed the car with all the strength they could muster.他们使出全身力气推车。Senator Newbolt has been trying to muster support for his proposals.纽博尔特参议员一直在努力争取人们支持他的提议。With fashionable clothes and good make-up she might have passed muster.她当时要是穿上时髦的衣服,再好好化妆一番,或许就会被认为合格了。It was several seconds before I could muster the energy to get up.我花了几秒钟才攒够力气起床。I wasn't sure that our clothing would pass muster at the club door.我不敢肯定我们的衣着能否通过俱乐部门口的检查。It demanded all the willpower I could muster.它需要我调动所有的意志力。If it doesn't pass muster, a radio station could have its license challenged.如果不合要求,电台可能会被吊销执照。His cooking could pass muster in an expensive French restaurant.他的烹饪技术在高级法国餐厅也能得到认可。He tried to muster a smile for her.他对她强作笑颜。This was the third time the annual music muster has been held.这是第三次举行年度音乐聚会。These excuses will not pass muster. 这些理由让人无法接受。




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