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词汇 musical
例句 Before a child can learn a musical instrument he or she first needs to acquire the necessary manipulative skills.儿童首先要掌握一些必需的操作技能,才可以学习一门乐器。The musical entertainment added a touch of class to the occasion.音乐节目给活动增添了一抹情调。The kid is really highly musical.这孩子的音乐天分确实高。A crotchet and a minim are both types of musical note.四分音符和二分音符都属于音符类型。The musical number was technically correct, but it lacked expression.音乐节奏从技术上说是正确的,但缺乏感情。London's musical life might become as exciting as Berlin's.伦敦的音乐生活可能会变得像柏林的一样令人兴奋。The movie gives us a peep behind the curtain at a Broadway musical.这部电影让我们得以一窥百老汇音乐剧的幕后情况。There's some crossover between the musical genres.糅合了两种音乐体裁。Blues is a musical form that uses a lot of repetition.蓝调音乐是一种不断重复旋律的音乐。Learning a musical instrument introduces a child to an understanding of music.学一种乐器能引导孩子了解音乐。His musical talent evinced itself at an early age.他的音乐才能在早年就显露出来了。The changes in the administration amounted to a game of musical chairs.行政部门的种种变化相当于一场人事大变动。Her chequered musical career is indeed the stuff of storybooks.她那曲折多变的音乐生涯足可以写成小说。He had a soft, musical accent.他的口音轻柔,悦耳动听。I was usually invited to the musical soirees they regularly held.我常被邀请去参加他们定期举行的音乐晚会。He has been a potent force in musical history.他在音乐史上一直有举足轻重的影响。She developed a musical interest earlier on.她在早年就对音乐产生了兴趣。Scott is now the finance director, after a long game of musical chairs among top management.经过高级管理层长期的人员变动后,斯科特现在是财务总监。Milan beckons with a rich artistic, musical heritage.米兰以其丰富的美术和音乐传统招引人们。Her parents nourished her musical talent.父母培养了她的音乐才能。They endure as masterworks of American musical theatre.它们作为美国音乐剧舞台上的杰作流芳于世。His family felt he had squandered his musical talent.他的家人认为他浪费了自己的音乐天赋。His musical background helps him a lot in his job.他所受过的音乐训练对他的工作帮助很大。Mozart's musical compositions include symphonies and operas.莫扎特的音乐创作包括交响乐和歌剧。A strain of musical talent seems to run in the family.这个家庭中似乎人人都有音乐天赋。Present tonight at the long-awaited opening of this film are a whole galaxy of stars from the acting and musical professions.人们期待已久的电影首映式今晚举行,一大批影星歌星前来捧场。The musical has received wonderful notices.那部音乐剧大受好评。He gave the paper an interview about his musical tastes.他接受这家报纸的采访,讲述自己的音乐爱好。The company is putting on a performance of the popular musical 'Cats'.该公司正在上演热门音乐剧《猫》。It was musical chairs. Creative people would switch jobs just to get more money.像抢椅子游戏,有能力的人为挣更多的钱而不断跳槽。The article uses rather specialized musical terminology.这篇文章用了相当专业的音乐术语。The musical's London run was a disaster.该音乐剧在伦敦的演出彻底失败。There are three musical revivals on Broadway this season.本季度百老汇有三部音乐剧重新上演。Irene is so incredibly musical and has a natural instinct to perform.艾琳具有极高的音乐天赋和天生的表演才能。In the film, she successfully reprises the role she played in the stage musical.在电影中她成功地再现了她在舞台音乐剧中的角色。The piano was his favorite musical instrument.钢琴是他最喜爱的乐器。He recently unveiled his plans for a new musical.最近他透露了准备上演一出新的音乐剧的计划。After a lengthy musical introduction, the dancers finally appear.一段冗长的音乐铺垫之后,舞蹈演员们总算现身了。He was hard put to describe their musical style. 他难以描述他们的音乐风格。The agency hopes to expand coverage of new musical talent on its Internet site.该机构希望在它的互联网网站上增加对音乐新秀的介绍。




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