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词汇 attracting
例句 His behaviour was attracting disapproving frowns.他的行为引得人们蹙眉摇头。The trial is attracting a lot of attention.那个审判引起许多关注。His recently completed chapel is attracting favourable comment.他新近设计竣工的小教堂正得到人们的称赞。If the resorts want to keep attracting tourists, they need to move with the times.这些度假胜地要想不断吸引游客就必须顺应潮流。The company has a difficult time attracting good employees because of its poor pay and benefits.这家公司的工资低、福利差,招不到优秀员工。Vendors are busy attracting the attention of children.小贩们正忙于吸引孩子们的注意力。My companion suggested that we park out of sight of passing traffic to avoid attracting attention.我的同伴建议我们将车停在过往车辆看不见的地方,以免引起注意。The organizers are congratulating themselves on attracting record numbers to the event.参加这项活动的人数之多创了纪录,组织者感到非常自豪。Her dress was attracting envious glances from the other women in the room.她的裙子引来了房间里其他女人羡慕的眼光。Several companies are offering new, entry-level models in hopes of attracting more buyers.几家公司正推出新的入门级产品,期望吸引更多的顾客。The anti-globalization movement is attracting new adherents to its principles.反全球化运动的理念正吸引着新的拥护者。Airports are key in attracting overseas investment to the UK.机场是吸引海外对英投资的关键。His recently completed chapel for Fitzwilliam is attracting favourable comment.他最近为菲茨威廉建成的小教堂赢得了好评。The club is having great difficulty attracting new members.这个俱乐部目前在吸引新成员方面遇到很大困难。Gilmore had to perform the difficult balancing act of attracting moderate voters without losing his conservative base.吉尔摩不得不辛辛苦苦地两面讨好,既要吸引温和派的选民,又不能失去他在保守党里的支持基础。The government is attempting to stimulate the economy by attracting multinational corporations.政府试图通过吸引跨国公司来刺激经济。They are attracting a lot of unwanted attention from the media.他们正引起媒体的广泛关注,这是他们并不想要的。The company has launched an advertising campaign in the hope of attracting new customers.为了吸引新顾客,这家公司发起了一项广告宣传活动。Kids always try to outdo each other in attracting the teacher's attention.小孩子们总想比别人更能吸引老师的注意力。The club has an unenviable reputation for attracting trouble.这个俱乐部因常惹麻烦而名声不好。His work has been attracting a great deal of attention.他的作品吸引了大量关注。The National Parks are attracting more visitors than ever.国家公园正吸引着比以往更多的游客。A new format would alienate its ageing readership without attracting young readers.新的版式会疏远上了年纪的读者群,并且也不会吸引年轻读者。But the company doggedly insisted their service was attracting customers.但是这家公司坚持认为他们的服务正在吸引客户。The Cardiff Bay project is attracting many visitors.加的夫海湾项目吸引了众多游客。




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