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词汇 muscle in
例句 It would be surprising were the Mafia not to have muscled in.如果黑手党不插上一脚,那反倒令人奇怪了。I've strained a muscle in my leg.我拉伤了腿部肌肉。Europe was flexing its cultural muscles in the name of humanitarianism.欧洲在以人道主义的名义展示自己的文化实力。I've strained a muscle in my shoulder.我拉伤了肩膀上的一块肌肉。The muscles in my face tensed.我脸上的肌肉绷紧了。The muscles in his face suddenly tautened.他的脸部肌肉一下子绷紧了。It would be surprising if the Mafia had not muscled in.黑手党如果不干涉的话还真是件怪事。She applied heat to the sore muscles in her leg.她热敷酸痛的腿部肌肉。A journalist has tried to muscle in on my exclusive story.一个记者一直想强行把我的独家报道弄到手。There are over 1000 muscles in the human body.人体有一千多块肌肉。He strained his muscle in the match.他在那次比赛中拉伤了肌肉。Every muscle in her face was drawn tight.她脸上每一块肌肉都绷得紧紧的。A muscle in her neck twitched.她脖子上有块肌肉抽搐起来。They have put muscle in their diplomacy.他们已增强了外交上的实力。Headaches caused by tension can result in tightening of the muscles in the neck.精神紧张引起的头痛会导致颈部肌肉僵硬。Point your toes and stiffen the muscles in your legs.伸直脚趾,绷紧腿部肌肉。A hot shower relaxed the tight muscles in my neck and shoulders.洗了个热水澡,我脖子和肩膀上的紧张肌肉放松了下来。I tensed every muscle in apprehension.我因害怕全身肌肉紧绷。She had torn a muscle in her leg.她腿部的一块肌肉拉伤了。I tensed every muscle in my body in apprehension.我吓得全身肌肉紧绷。A muscle in his jaw pulsed angrily.他下巴上的肌肉因愤怒而抽动了一下。There are three types of muscle in the body.人体的肌肉有三种类型。Swimming is a form of exercise that works every muscle in your body.游泳是一种可以使身体的每块肌肉都活动起来的锻炼方式。She has a strained muscle in her back.她后背肌肉扭伤。His competitors have tried to muscle in on his business.他的竞争对手想方设法插手他的生意。He tore a muscle in his right thigh.他右大腿的一块肌肉拉伤了。Leg cramps cause shortening of the gastrocnemius muscle in the calf.腿部痉挛引起小腿腓肠肌收缩。Two men were killed when members of a rival gang tried to muscle in on their territory.当敌对帮派成员企图侵占他们的地盘时,有两个人被杀死。Our competitors have been trying to muscle in for some years.几年来我们的竞争对手一直企图挤进来分一杯羹。It's time to tone the muscles in your upper arms and shoulders.该锻炼一下你上臂和肩膀的肌肉了。Each position will work the muscles in a different way.每种姿势都会以不同方式活动肌肉。He felt a sharp pain in the abductor muscle in his right thigh.他感到右大腿外展肌一阵剧痛。They are hoping to tie up the deal before their rivals muscle in.他们希望不等竞争对手介入便能谈妥这笔买卖。The exercise is designed to work the muscles in your chest.这项运动是为锻炼胸部肌肉而设计的。I pulled a muscle in my back lifting some drawers.我搬抽屉时把背部一块肌肉拉伤了。Each exercise is designed to build up muscles in a different part of your body.每项运动都是为了锻炼身体不同部位的肌肉而设计的。She pulled a muscle in her back when she tried to reach the top shelf.她努力用手够顶层架子时拉伤了背部肌肉。Beetles tried to muscle in between his collar and his neck.甲虫想从他的衣领和脖子中间钻进去。She gently kneaded the muscles in his back.她轻轻地给他按摩后背。The stiffening of muscles in Susan's right arm became worse.苏珊右臂肌肉的硬化加剧了。




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