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词汇 mum
例句 I had a talk with my mum about it.我和我妈妈谈了这件事。My mum was cool about whatever I wore.我穿什么我妈妈都没意见。There are plenty of plus points about being an older first-time mum.年龄稍长再做妈妈有很多好处。Your mum's bursting with pride for you.你妈妈为你感到无比骄傲。He's living with his mum and dad.他和他的爸爸妈妈住在一起。Alice's mum won't let her come with us.艾丽斯的妈妈不让她跟我们来。One of my mum's friends was getting a new sofa, and so she let us have the old one.我妈妈的一个朋友买了新沙发,所以就把旧的给了我们。My mum's left-handed.我妈妈是左撇子。I'd like to know how much they paid, but they've been mum on that subject.我想知道他们付了多少钱,但是他们一直对此三缄其口。I've never told this to anyone, but it's true, I was terribly ashamed of my mum.这件事我从来没告诉过别人,但是我真的为我妈感到很害臊。I'll ask my mum if I can go.我会问我妈妈我可不可以去。Her mum is a real bossy-boots.她母亲是个十足的专横跋扈者。His mum allowed him to go out.他妈妈允许他出去。She listened to everything I said and repeated it word for word to her mum.她把我说的一切听得清清楚楚,并一字不差地转述给她妈妈听。Her mum served spaghetti bolognese.她的妈妈端上来意大利肉酱面。My mum checks up on me most evenings to see that I've done my homework.我妈妈大多数晚上都要检查我是否完成了家庭作业。I'll put your mum in the spare bedroom.我会把你妈妈安顿在空余的卧室里住。A mum slashed a neighbour's car tyre and challenged her to a fight after their daughters fell out.两家的女儿吵起来后,一个妈妈划破了邻居的车胎,说要和她较量较量。When I explained everything to my mum and dad, there were no histrionics.当我向父母解释一切时,没有任何装腔作势。My mum would have kittens if she knew where I'd been.如果我妈妈知道了我去哪儿,她会非常担心的。My mum is turning into a religious maniac.我妈妈正在变为一个宗教狂热分子。Being a single mum is never easy.做单身妈妈绝非易事。You're about to become a mum.你要当娘了。My mum told me to tidy my room.妈妈要我打扫卧室。I had no money, but my mum helped me out.我没有钱,但是妈妈资助了我。It's my mum's birthday tomorrow.明天是我妈妈的生日。My mum says I play my music too loud.我妈妈说我放的音乐声音太大了。My mum thinks dyed blonde hair is a bit common.我妈妈认为染出来的金发有点俗气。Rebecca walked a few paces behind her mum.丽贝卡走在妈妈身后几步远的地方。My mum never stops moaning at me.我妈总是没完没了地冲我发牢骚。My mum's sound. She'd never throw me out.我妈妈人很好,她是绝不会轰我走的。Chris's mum laid on a huge spread.克里斯的母亲摆了一桌丰盛的饭菜。Her mum's really strict, but her dad's all right.她妈妈很严厉,但她爸爸还好。My mum took me to the barber's.我妈妈带我去理发店。My mum taught me how to plait my own hair.妈妈教我自己编辫子。It's not official yet, so keep mum .这还不是正式的,所以不要讲出去。Sometimes it is very important to stay mum.有时保持沉默是非常重要的。She told him to keep/stay mum about the project. 她告诫他关于项目的事要保密。Kate tagged along with mum and Vicky.凯特跟着妈妈和维基一起走了。My mum's started going to an aerobics class.我妈妈开始去上增氧健身操课了。




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