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词汇 muddle
例句 Already, one or two critics have begun to muddle the two names.一两个评论家已经开始把这两个名字弄混了。We will muddle through and just play it day by day.我们会应付过关的,就一天一天地演吧。I wish you wouldn't muddle up my books and drawings.希望你别把我的书和画弄乱。The failure has helped to drive Labour even further into a no-man's land of ideological muddle.失败使得工党内部的意识形态混乱局面进一步加剧。The best we can do is try to stay cool and muddle through.我们能做的顶多就是设法保持冷静,蒙混过关。He got himself into a frightful muddle.他使自己陷入极度困惑之中。No one could sort out the muddle of her finances.没有人能理清她那乱七八糟的财务。The twins are so alike that it's easy to muddle them up.这对双胞胎看上去很像,很容易弄混。The judge made a muddle of the case.法官把案子弄得一团糟。It's going to get in a muddle if you carry on. I should just leave well alone if I were you.你如果再这样继续下去就会把事情搞得一团糟。我要是你就不会再去添乱。Her feelings for him are such a muddle.她对他的感情一片混乱。Don't muddle her with all the extra details at the moment.现在不要让这些额外的细节把她弄糊涂了。Most of us are in a muddle about what and how to eat.我们多数人搞不清该吃什么、怎么吃。With the right government, the country wouldn't be in such a muddle.那个国家要是治理得当,就不至于陷入这样糟糕的局面。There's been a bit of a muddle about the plan.那个计划有些混乱。His papers were in a muddle.他的文件乱七八糟的。His mind was a muddle.他心里乱糟糟的。The muddle-headed make heavy weather of the simplest tasks.头脑糊涂的人会把最简单的工作弄得困难重重。When mother came home, she found the house in a muddle.母亲回到家里,发现屋子里一片混乱。The whole thing is a muddle.整件事是一团乱麻。Many of the students complained that they were left to muddle along on their own.有许多学生抱怨没人管他们,随他们混日子。I like her but she's a bit muddle-headed.我喜欢她,但她有点稀里糊涂的。The children are left to muddle through on their own.剩下孩子们靠他们自己对付着过日子。There were four phone calls at once and the secretary was in a muddle about who wanted to talk to who.一下子来了四个电话,秘书都搞不清谁找谁了。Don't muddle me about like that, tell me exactly what you want.别这样把我弄得糊里糊涂的,明确告诉我你要什么。There was a bit of a muddle over our hotel reservations.我们的酒店预订有点混乱。We are beginning to muddle the extended royal family and the monarchy.我们开始混淆皇室大家庭和君主制这两个概念了。We'll muddle through, don't worry.我们能胡乱应付过去,不用担心。The more you talk, the more you muddle me.你越讲我越糊涂了。You are currently in a muddle where financial and emotional concerns are tangled together.你眼下头脑不清了,对于金钱和感情的忧虑交织在了一起。Later they may muddle up your names with those of your cousins.以后他们可能会把你们的名字和你们表亲的弄混。Be careful not to muddle the files you've already worked on with the others.小心不要把你已经处理过的文件和其他文件弄混了。It's best to paint the background first and then the pattern. That way you don't get into a muddle.最好先漆背景,再漆图案。那样你就不会弄糊涂了。Her thoughts were in a muddle. 她的思绪很混乱。It's easy to muddle up some Spanish and Italian words.很容易将一些西班牙语词汇和意大利语词汇混淆。The laws led to confusion, muddle and years of delay.这些法律导致了困惑、混乱和数年的耽搁。I've arranged the books alphabetically so don't muddle them up.我已经把书按字母顺序整理过了,不要弄乱了。The photos are in a muddle.照片乱成一团。The BBC may be able to muddle through for the next five years like this.英国广播公司或许能像这样熬过接下来的五年。There were some difficult questions but I managed to muddle through.有几道难题,但我都应付过去了。




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