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例句 Much that is included in them has appeared in other published works, and one must dig hard for reliable new material.它们中包括的许多内容在其他已发表作品中都出现过了,所以必须要深入挖掘以找到可靠的新材料。Much of Dresden was destroyed by wave after wave of bombing.德累斯顿大部分地区毁于一波又一波的轰炸。Much of the Midwest is currently under about 2 feet of snow.一场龙卷风毁掉了美国中西部大部分地区的谷物。Much of Shakespeare's language is inaccessible for today's students.莎士比亚的很多语言对今天的学生来说难以理解。Much of the territory is still under occupation.还有大片领土被占领。Much of what is said about ancient men is, perforce, guesswork.关于古代人的许多说法必然只是猜测。Much of our existing military hardware is obsolescent.我们现有的许多军事硬件在逐渐被淘汰。Much of the electrical equipment failed to fulfill safety requirements.许多电器未能符合安全要求。Much was left undone.还有很多事情未完成。Much of Orwell's writing now seems grimly prophetic.奥威尔的许多文学作品现在看来似乎是冷酷的预言。Much of the country's military strength lies in its missile force.这个国家的军事实力主要体现在导弹部队上。Much as I sympathize with your difficulties, there is little I can do to help you.尽管我同情你的困境,但我却无力帮你。Much to her surprise, she enjoyed the party.令她非常意外的是,她在聚会上玩得很开心。Much of big business is still controlled by old money.大型企业很大程度上仍然由传统富家控制着。Much of the industry was located alongside rivers.许多工厂都设在河边。Much to my dismay, she was out when I called.令我非常沮丧的是,我打电话时她正好出去了。Much to everyone's surprise she passed the exam with distinction.让每个人都吃惊的是,她竟然以优异的成绩通过了考试。Much to my surprise, the waitress at the bar tantalizingly asked me for a date.让我惊讶的是,酒吧的女侍居然很诱人地想要与我约会。Much was spent nursing the place back to health.为了修缮这块地方使之重放光彩而花费了不少钱。Much of the ground is cross-sectioned by roads.大片地面被道路分割成一块一块的。Much of the city was destroyed in the attack.城市的大部分地方都在这次袭击中遭到了破坏。Much to the amazement of her family, she left school to pursue her acting career.令家人震惊的是,她离开学校去追求她的演艺事业了。Much advance publicity was given to the talks.事先对会谈做了大量的宣传。Much of the time we do not notice that we are solving problems.很多时候我们没意识到自己正在解决问题。Much of the English language is derived from Latin and Greek.英语很大部分来源于拉丁语和希腊语。Much of his success lies in his skill in handling staff.他的成功很大程度上在于他的员工管理技巧。Much of the information the clinics gave people was incomplete and biased in favour of educated middle-class clients.诊所提供的大多数信息都是不完整的,而且偏向优待受过教育的中产阶级客户。Much of the state's farmland has given way to shopping malls.这个州的大片农田都已被购物中心取代了。Much toxic waste had built up in his bloodstream.他的血液里聚集了很多有毒的废物。 Much of their study and revision was done to the thud of hammers and pneumatic drills.他们学习和复习时大多都伴着锤子和风钻沉闷的敲击声。Much to the dismay of her fans, she announced her retirement immediately after the book's release.让粉丝们大为失望的是,书出版后她立即宣布退休了。Much of the temple was ruined, but the front was whole, as well as a large hall behind it.庙宇的大部分都被毁坏了,但其正面及后面的大厅还保存完好。Much to his credit, he won first prize at the speech contest.他在演讲比赛中获得一等奖,这给他带来很大的荣誉。Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.大部分海岸已受到核废料污染。Much of the schoolboy slang still remains incomprehensible.中小学学生俚语中仍有许多是一般人所听不懂的。Much as they hope to go home tomorrow, they're resigned to staying on until the end of the year.虽然他们希望明天就回家,但还是准备耐心地继续呆到年底。Much of Poland's private industry goes unrecorded.波兰大多数私营企业都未注册在案。Much controversy surrounds the new exam.围绕着新的考试有很多争议。Much of the speech was a thinly disguised attack on the management of the company.讲话内容大多是对公司管理层几乎不加掩饰的抨击。Much of the spending is on the cuff.多数开销是靠赊账。




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