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词汇 at the time of
例句 Where were you at the time of the murder?凶杀案发生时你在什么地方?Doctors have certified that the suspect was in a lot of pain at the time of the incident.医生证实说该嫌疑犯在案发时处于极度痛苦之中。She had/owned no property at the time of her demise.她去世的时候没有任何财产。What was the speed of the car at the time of the accident?那汽车出事的时候车速是多少?He lived at the time of the Civil War.他生活在内战时期。The coffee industry was nationalised at the time of independence.国家取得独立时,咖啡行业被收归国有。In the doctor's opinion he was sane at the time of the murder.按照医生的看法,他在谋杀时神志清醒。There was a high level of alcohol in his blood at the time of the accident.事故发生时,他血液中的酒精浓度偏高。The book remained incomplete at the time of her death.她去世的时候书还没有写完。We check prices at the time of going to press.在付印时,我们会核查价格。She was not under a doctor's care at the time of the accident.事故发生时,她身边没有医生照料。He lived at the time of the Napoleonic wars.他生活在拿破仑战争时期。Her doctor is her alibi: she was in surgery at the time of the murder.她的医生能证明她不在犯罪现场:谋杀案发生时她正在接受手术。Can you prove that you were at home at the time of the attack?你能否证明袭击案发生时你在家?They were staying in the capital at the time of the riots and witnessed several street battles.暴乱期间他们在首都,目击了好几起巷战。He had many debts at the time of his decease.他去世时欠了很多债。The house was unoccupied at the time of the explosion.爆炸发生的时候房子里没有人。They classed as poor and lower-middle peasants at the time of the land reform.土地改革时他们被划为贫下中农。I did not notice the defects at the time of purchase.购买时我没有注意到这些瑕疵。Martin claimed that he was with friends at the time of his wife's murder.马丁称,妻子被杀时他和朋友在一起。Witnesses claimed that Jones was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident.证人称琼斯在事发时处于醉酒状态。The baby weighed almost seven pounds at the time of delivery.这个婴儿出生时差不多有七磅重。Who was the driver at the time of the accident?事故发生时,谁在开车?It was raining at the time of the accident. 事故发生时正在下雨。The drama is set in India at the time of independence.该剧以独立时期的印度为背景。The vehicle did not have a current test certificate at the time of the accident.那辆车在发生事故时没有当时有效的检测合格证书。What was the mental state of the defendant at the time of the crime?犯罪时被告的精神状况如何?The jury is very likely to believe he was in the apartment at the time of the crime.陪审团很可能相信,罪案发生时他在公寓内。They were both young at the time of their betrothal.订下婚约的时候两人都还年轻。Culley was quite rational at the time of her baby's death.卡利在她孩子死去时相当理智。I would like to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time of the robbery.我想听听发生抢劫案时在场的人的说法。The following information was correct at the time of going to press.下列信息在付印时准确无误。This information was correct at the time of publication.这条信息在发布的时候是正确的。Some witnesses were unavailable at the time of the trial.审判时有些证人未能到庭。She was three months pregnant at the time of Stephen's death.斯蒂芬去世时,她怀孕三个月了。In the report it was disclosed that neither pilot nor controller had any experience of the radar system in use at the time of the crash.报告披露,在撞机事故发生时,飞行员和调度员对正在使用的雷达系统都没有任何经验。




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