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词汇 mountain
例句 The investigation generated a mountain of paperwork.调查带来大量的文书工作。The mountain peak was covered with snow.山顶被雪覆盖著。We climbed up a winding track towards a mountain refuge.我们沿着一条蜿蜒的小道爬向山上的一处避难所。The weather had been fine on the morning that the climbers set out up the last part of the mountain.那天早上天气很好,登山者就出发去攀登那座山的最后一段。We camped on one of the lower slopes of the mountain.我们在山脚的一处低坡上扎了营。A heavy freight train double-headed up the mountain.一列满载货物的列车由双机牵引上山。Climbing the mountain was a real breather.爬这座山真叫人气喘吁吁。He summed up the challenge thusly: "The team has a big mountain to climb."他这样总结面临的挑战:“团队面前有一座大山需要跨越”。He likes savage mountain scenery.他喜欢荒山的景色。Farmers can now graze their cattle on the mountain.农民们现在可以在山上放牛。The mountain was clearly visible in the distance.远处的山清晰可见。Small villages dot the sides of the mountain.山坡上星星点点地散落着不少小村落。She thought that he was making a mountain out of a molehill by complaining about the placement of the silverware.她觉得他埋怨银器的摆放位置是在小题大做。There was a lake beyond the mountain.在山的那一边有一个湖。I have skied that mountain before.我以前在那座山上滑过雪。The mountain was covered in a thick mist.大山被浓雾笼罩。The avalanche overwhelmed the small mountain village.这次泥石流淹没了山上的小村庄。They climbed the mountain by easy stages.他们走走歇歇地爬上山。They revealed a solution to reduce Europe's butter mountain.他们透露了一个减少欧洲黄油积压的方案。This small town is the country's top mountain-biking destination.这个小镇是该国进行山地自行车运动的首选之地。Low clouds cloaked the mountain.云层低盖着山峰。We were halfway down the mountain when it started snowing.我们下山到半途中,天开始下雪了。The avalanche whelmed the mountain village in tons of snow.雪崩将山村埋在成吨成吨的雪中。It's easier to ride up a mountain with a well-balanced saddle.如果马鞍平衡,上山会更容易些。This is the highest mountain in Japan.这是日本最高的山。Climbing the mountain gave him a tremendous sense of achievement.登上这座山让他获得了极大的成就感。They were halfway up the mountain, when the weather became so bad that they were forced to turn back.他们已爬到半山腰,天气变得很糟,他们被迫返回。They hollowed out a tunnel through the mountain.他们挖通了穿山隧道。The gentle lower slopes belie the true nature of the mountain.低缓的山坡掩盖了这座山的真实特点。We could jol to the mountain next Saturday.下星期六我们可以上山去。We didn't climb to the very top of the mountain, but close enough.我们没有爬到山的最高点,但很接近。He set off a charge that destroyed the mountain.他引爆了铲平那座山的炸药。We walked along the narrow mountain ridge.我们沿着狭窄的山脊行进。The sunlight gave emphasis to the shape of the mountain.阳光使山峰的轮廓分外鲜明。The climbers finally made it to the top of the mountain.登山者终于到达了山顶。The climb up the mountain was not too hard.爬山不是很难。He is walled in by a mountain of papers in his cluttered Broadway office.在他凌乱的百老汇办公室里,他被堆成山的文件团团包围。The climbers bivouacked halfway up the mountain.登山者在半山腰上露营。What's the name of that mountain in the distance?远处那座山叫什么名字?Ben Nevis, in Scotland, is Britain's highest mountain.苏格兰境内的本尼维斯山是英国最高的山。




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