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词汇 motorway
例句 The French crowds pour like lemmings down the motorway to Paris.一群群法国人像旅鼠一样涌上通往巴黎的高速公路。He was speeding down the motorway as if pursued by a demon.他在高速公路上飞快地行驶,就像有魔鬼在追赶他似的。Come off the motorway at the Duxford exit.从达克斯福德出口驶出高速公路。We were bowling along the motorway at a rate of knots.我们在高速公路上飞驰。The Ministry of Trade was yesterday accused of being dictatorial in its plans for a new motorway in Kent.昨天贸易部被指责在给肯特郡修建新高速公路的计划中霸道专横。We were bowling along the motorway in her new car.我们坐在她的新车里,沿高速公路快速行驶。A tanker driver died when his lorry veered off the motorway.一位油罐车司机在他的卡车冲出高速公路时丧生。You'll get there a lot quicker if you take the motorway.如果走高速公路去那里会快很多。I had a puncture on the motorway.我的车胎在高速公路上扎破了。Then they will race down the motorway to Preston.然后他们会沿高速公路快速前往普雷斯顿。What's the best way to get to the motorway from here?从这里上高速公路的最佳路线怎么走?They arrived late due to a motorway hold-up.他们因高速公路交通堵塞迟到了。Horrified commuters saw the lorry veer across the motorway and overturn.惊恐万分的通勤者们看见那辆卡车突然冲向高速公路另一侧,接着翻倒在地。We almost had an accident on the motorway.我们在高速公路上差点儿出车祸。In front of her, the motorway stretched for miles.公路在她面前一直延伸数英里。The getaway car was dumped near a motorway tunnel.逃亡用的车被丢弃在高速公路隧道附近。Traffic is building up on the southern exit of the motorway.这条高速公路南出口的交通正变得越来越拥挤。He sang as he rattled down the motorway.他唱着歌,沿着高速路哐啷哐啷地向前驶去。Take the orbital road/route/motorway around London.走伦敦的外环路/外环线路/外环高速公路。Because of the bad weather, motorway (driving) conditions are expected to be hazardous tonight.由于天气恶劣,今晚在高速公路驾车可能会很危险。There has been a collision on the southbound stretch of the motorway.在高速公路南向路段上发生了一起撞车事故。The motorway should aid the creation of new business in the area.高速公路应该有助于该地区创办新的企业。We were on the motorway to London.我们在去往伦敦的高速路上。We tore down the motorway at top speed.我们以最高的速度在高速公路上疾驶。A hold-up on the motorway delayed me.我因为高速公路上发生交通阻塞耽搁了时间。He was driving along the motorway when his tyre burst.他正在高速公路上行驶时,突然轮胎爆了。They hit a bank of fog on the motorway.他们在高速公路上遇到了雾阵。My parents didn't seem to take any notice of my wails as we drove down the motorway.我们在高速公路上行驶时,父母对我的大声哭叫似乎毫不在意。They headed westwards along the motorway.他们沿着高速公路向西行。Long delays are predicted on the motorway because of the accident.由于这起事故,预计在高速公路上会出现长时间的交通延误。We had a blowout on the motorway.我们在高速公路上行驶时车胎爆了。We stopped for a break at a motorway service station.我们在高速公路服务站休息了一会儿。The accident occurred on the westbound carriageway of the motorway.事故发生在高速公路西行的一侧。You can take the back roads through the mountains and then rejoin the motorway later.你可以选择走山里的小路,然后再回到高速公路上去。If they think they're going to build a new motorway near here, they're in for a shock.他们要是打算在附近修建一条新的高速公路,会吃一惊的。Some idiot cut me up on the motorway.有个白痴在高速公路上抢我的道。The motorway network links all the major cities.高速公路网连接着所有的大城市。If you stay on the motorway, you can't go wrong.如果你一直走高速公路,就绝不会走错。There are plans to build a tolled motorway around the perimeter of the city.有计划要沿该市周边修建收费的高速公路。Plans for the motorway caused quite a stir among locals.建造高速公路的计划在当地居民中激起了相当大的愤怒情绪。




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