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词汇 motorist
例句 A motorist needs good visual acuity.驾车者需要良好的视敏度。The report hammers the private motorist.该报告严词谴责了那个私家车司机。Officers must fill out a questionnaire each time a motorist is stopped, regardless of whether a citation is issued.警察每拦下一名驾驶员,不管是否予以传讯,都必须填写一份调查表。Horns honk. An angry motorist shouts.汽车喇叭声响成一片。一个愤怒的司机在大声叫骂。A passing motorist stopped and gave her a lift to the nearby town.一名路过的汽车司机停下来,把她捎到了附近的镇上。The motorist saw in his driving mirror that a police car was following him.那位驾车人从他的后视镜里看到一辆警车正跟著他。The fire was started when a passing motorist carelessly tossed a cigarette out of his car.一个过路的司机随手把烟扔出车外,引起了这次火灾。As a motorist, I try to be considerate towards cyclists.作为一名驾车者,我尽量考虑到骑自行车的人。A motorist was caught exceeding the speed limit.一名司机因超速被捕。A motorist was assaulted in a road rage attack.一名司机在一起公路泄愤事件中被殴。The countryside is being destroyed for the benefit of the motorist.为了方便开车者,乡村却正在遭受破坏。A passing motorist stopped to help.一位驾车经过的司机停下来帮忙。The stranded motorist called on his citizens band radio for help.受困的驾车旅行者用民用波段无线电呼救。The route took us through scenery quite inaccessible to the motorist.这条路线带我们穿越了驾车者难以抵达的风景区。He was found by a passing motorist.他被一个开车路过的人发现。The accident was caused by the motorist's impatience.这一事故是骑摩托车的人性急造成的。Sam stayed with his injured friend while a passing motorist raised the alarm.萨姆陪着他受伤的朋友,一位过路司机则发出了警报。The motorist decided to put in at the next hotel for a meal.那位驾车者决定在下一家旅馆稍作停留以便进餐。The speeding motorist was pinned to the ground by angry locals who took the law into their own hands until police arrived.愤怒的当地人以暴代法,将超速司机按在地上,直至警察赶来。The motorist may be required to give a urine specimen.驾车者可能被要求提供尿样。When our car broke down, we were helped by a passing motorist.我们的汽车抛锚时,一位开车路过的人帮助了我们。The intoxicated motorist is a menace to life and limb.酒后驾驶汽车的人对生命构成威胁。




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