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词汇 mortals
例句 We are all frail mortals fumbling around on the planet.我们都是在这个星球上摸索行进的脆弱生物,终有离去的一天。She dines in the executive suite, while we lesser mortals use the staff cafeteria.她在经理套房用膳,而我们这些小民则是在职工餐厅用餐。No frail mortals who worshipped `the golden calf' could change his mind.没有哪个意志薄弱、崇拜金钱的凡人能够改变他的想法。It was in the power of the gods to confer immortality upon mortals.只有神具有赋予人永生的力量。She walks along with her nose in the air barely deigning to notice us ordinary mortals.她目中无人地朝前走着,几乎不愿屈尊看我们这些凡人一眼。These mysteries can't be solved by mere mortals like us.这些奥秘不是我们这些凡夫俗子可以揭开的。He's a big star now. He doesn't waste his time talking to mere/lesser mortals like you and me.他现在是大牌明星,不会浪费时间与你我这样的小人物说话的。




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