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词汇 mornings
例句 The latest sunrise of the winter is Friday; from then on, the dark winter mornings get brighter earlier .今冬最晚的日出在周五,此后漆黑的冬日早晨会早点亮起来。The museum is drowsy and deserted on weekday mornings.博物馆周日上午空寂无人。On Sunday mornings I like to relax and read the newspaper.星期天早上,我喜欢放松身心和阅读报纸。On Saturday mornings we like to go for a drive out in the countryside.周六早上,我们喜欢开车去乡间兜风。Don't mind Tom; he likes to sing in the mornings!别理睬汤姆。他喜欢早上唱歌!We do all our deliveries in the mornings.我们所有的递送都在上午进行。We always have a late breakfast on Sunday mornings.星期天我们总是很晚才吃早饭。She's very bad-tempered in the mornings!她上午的时候容易发脾气!Cloudy mornings give way to clear evenings.早晨云遮日,晚上星满天。I work afternoons one week and mornings the next.我一个星期下午工作,再一个星期上午工作。On Sunday mornings, fashionable young couples parade up and down the Boulevard St Michel.每个星期天早上,时髦的年轻夫妇都在圣米歇尔大道上招摇过市。The grocery store took stock every week on Monday mornings.每星期一早晨,这家食品杂货店盘点存货。The car is difficult to start, especially on cold winter mornings.这辆车很难发动,尤其是在寒冷的冬天早上。He was late for roll call three mornings running.他三次晨跑点名迟到。It's surprising how many joggers you see in the park in the mornings.早上在公园里竟能看到这么多人在慢跑,真让人吃惊。The South African mailboat arrived on Friday mornings unless bad weather intervened.除非受恶劣天气干扰,南非邮船一般在星期五上午抵达。She works mornings in the kitchen of a small local restaurant.她上午在当地一家小餐馆的厨房里干活。There's always such a crush on the train in the mornings.早晨火车上总是那么拥挤。People sauntered through the park on summer mornings.夏日的早晨,人们在公园里漫步。I love to be out of doors on these bright, crisp autumn mornings.我喜欢在明朗凉爽的秋天早晨到户外活动。Mother goes shopping on Tuesday and Friday mornings.我母亲总是在星期二和星期五上午上街购物。My mornings are spent rushing around after him.我每天早上都跟着他到处跑。She goes shopping on Tuesday and Friday mornings.她总是在星期二和星期五上午上街购物。She works mornings at the local school.她每天上午在当地的学校工作。It takes me about half an hour to get ready in the mornings.早上我需要大约半小时做准备。He reads the newspaper on Sunday mornings to catch up on the news.他星期天早上读报纸了解新闻动态。A lot of people tend to listen to the radio in the mornings.许多人喜欢在早上听广播。On Sunday mornings we always lie in.星期天早上我们总是睡懒觉。Dr Clark holds a clinic on Tuesday mornings.克拉克医生每周二上午门诊。She spent her mornings hustling change on the sidewalk.她每天早上都在人行道上讨钱。The TV shows kids' cartoons on Saturday mornings.电视台在星期六早晨播放儿童动画片。It's sometimes a real effort just to get up in the mornings.早上起床有时候就真是件很困难的事。You'll have to alternate. One of you can use the room in the mornings, and the other in the evenings.你们俩得轮着来了,一个早上用这间房,另一个晚上用。Most mornings he gave the newspaper only a cursory glance.大多数早晨,他只是粗略地看一眼报纸。It is her custom to go for a walk on Saturday mornings.她惯常在星期六早上出去散步。The weather's getting warmer, but the mornings are still nippy.天气越来越暖和,但早晨还有点冷。To avoid the heat of the day we went out in the mornings.为了避开最热的时候,我们每天上午出门。I don't like early mornings anyway, quite apart from the fact that I hardly slept last night.撇开我昨晚没怎么睡不谈,我压根儿就不喜欢清晨。Sandy is always grouchy in the mornings.桑迪早上的时候总是怨言很多,脾气很不好。In the mornings the sky appeared a heavy shade of mottled gray.清晨,天空呈现出斑驳的深灰色。




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