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词汇 moribund
例句 The patient was moribund by the time the doctor arrived.医生赶到的时候病人已经奄奄一息了。The British music scene is nostalgic, decrepit, and moribund.英国乐坛感伤怀旧,暮气沉沉,行将就木。The patient was moribund.这个病人已奄奄一息。How can the department be revived from its present moribund state?怎样使该部门从目前的停滞状态中恢复生气?The region's heavy industry is still inefficient and moribund.该地区的重工业依然效率低下,没有活力。Will this be enough to catalyse the country's moribund industry?这足以催动这个国家死气沉沉的工业发生改变吗?A cut in interest rates will help the country's moribund housing market.利率的下调对于国家疲软的住房市场将起到一个促进作用。The British music scene is nostalgic, decrepit and moribund.英国音乐呈现出感伤怀旧、暮气沉沉、行将就木的景象。The peace talks are moribund.和平谈判面临失败。




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