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词汇 more than anything else
例句 The one thing he wanted more than anything else was a glass of cold water.他最需要的是一杯冷水。We went to the show out of curiosity more than anything else.我们去看那场演出多半是出于好奇。He values friendship more than anything else. = He values friendship above all else.他把友谊看得比什么都重要。It's his manner I dislike, more than anything else.我最讨厌的是他的态度。Steve really values your friendship more than anything else.史蒂夫真的把你的友谊看得比其他任何东西都重要。Steve really values your friendship more than anything else.史蒂夫真的把你的友情看得比其他任何东西都重要。I loved you more than anything else in the world.我爱你胜过世界上任何其他东西。Posing for the camera pleased him more than anything else. No doubt with the ulterior object of catching votes.在照相机前摆姿势是最令他高兴的事了,背后的动机无疑是为了拉选票。




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