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例句 Peter doesn't work here any more.彼得现在不在这里上班了。The charter can be seen in the town museum, which more than repays a visit.该宪章可以在镇博物馆看到,而这个博物馆确实值得去参观一下。I think you need to add a little more salt.我觉得你需要再加点盐。The arts scene in this city is a phoenix rising from the ashes and is more vibrant than ever before.这座城市的艺术景象犹如凤凰涅槃,重新焕发风采,尤胜往昔。You should give much more attention to your lessons.你该加倍注意你的功课。 We exchanged civilities when we were neighbours, but nothing more.我们以前做邻居的时候最多也只是客气地打个招呼。Most words in English have more than one sense.英语当中的大部分单词都有不止一个意思。Tina wouldn't have read more than three lines.蒂娜肯定读不过三行。It happens more now than at any other time in history.当下,这种事的发生频率比过去任何时候都高。He was becoming more expansive as he relaxed.他放松下来就变得非常开朗健谈。India's railway system is one of the more positive legacies of the British Raj.印度铁路系统是英国统治时期留下的更具积极意义的遗产之一。In the past ten years there have been more cases of cancer in the vicinity of nuclear installations.在过去十年里,核设施周围的癌症病例有所增加。We aim to operate more cost-effectively.我们致力于降低成本,提高运营效率。To me, there's nothing more exciting than playing football.对我来说,没有什么事能比打橄榄球更加令人兴奋了。Poor work conditions are all the more reason to find another job.恶劣的工作环境使得人们更加有理由另找工作。I wish I'd shown more self-control.我当时若是更自制一些就好了。We can squeeze one more person in the back seat.后排座椅还能塞进一个人。His paintings became more lyrical.他的画作变得更加热情奔放。All the rooms are more or less the same size.所有的房间都差不多大小。Snow in Boston closed down the airport, causing even more delays for weary travellers.波士顿下的那场雪使得机场关闭,给疲倦不堪的旅客造成了更多的延误。It was a risky operation, but might buy more time.这个手术风险很大,不过有机会赢得更多时间。Nothing vilifies and degrades more than pride.骄傲者最易自损自毁。One in 10 Californians is unemployed and thousands more live in fear of losing their jobs.十分之一的加利福尼亚人没有工作,还有数以千计的人成天提心吊胆地害怕失去工作。She spoke more in disappointment than in anger.她说话时语气中更多的是失望而不是生气。Can you give me more details about the cost of these courses, please?你能更具体地告诉我这些课程的费用吗I haven't seen hide nor hair of a copper for more than a week now.这一个多星期以来,我连个警察的人影都没见过。I tasted the tea and put more sugar in it.我品了一下茶,然后往里面多加了点糖。This tea will not draw any more.这茶叶不能再冲泡了。This comment provoked more than a few splutters.这番话招致的可不只是几句气话。A more flexible approach to childcare arrangements is needed.在儿童看护的安排方面需要更灵活的方法。The better I know him the more I admire his abilities.我越是了解他,就越钦佩他的才能。The situation made it more difficult for management to motivate workers.那局面使得管理部门更难调动工人们的积极性。The nation was once more as strong as the other major powers in Europe.该国再一次和欧洲其他大国一样强盛了。In games like this it is more important to be mentally tough, than physically fit.在这种比赛中,坚强的意志比强健的体格更为重要。You're more than welcome to stay overnight.非常欢迎你留下来过夜。Teachers must provide challenging activities for their more academic pupils.老师们必须为学业成绩较好的学生提供具有挑战性的活动。She sloshed more wine into my glass.她往我杯里又胡乱倒了些酒。The light in the room is more than ample.房间的光线太充足了。See if you can squeeze more information out of them.看看你能否逼他们说出更多的东西。Peace it seemed might at last be no more than a few months away.看起来,几个月内也许会最终实现和平。




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