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词汇 at the last minute
例句 He was going to ask her on a date, but he chickened out at the last minute.他本打算约她出来,但临阵退缩了。The location has been changed at the last minute.在最后一刻变更了地点。There was an airline strike in India, and all our plans fell through at the last minute.印度的航空公司罢工,我们的一切方案在最后关头落空了。We were scheduled to deploy there but at the last minute the Paras went instead.原本计划让我们部署在那儿,但在最后一刻,伞兵取代了我们。Jenkins was put on the job at the last minute.詹金斯在最后一刻被派去做这件事。The buyers of the house pulled out at the last minute.那些买房者都在最后时刻决定不买了。The plane pulled out of its dive at the last minute.这架飞机在最后一刻拉高复飞。War seemed inevitable, but the two countries pulled back from the brink at the last minute.战争似乎无法避免,但两国在最后一刻悬崖勒马。He cancelled his trip to England at the last minute.他在最后一刻取消了去英国的行程。I was supposed to make the introductory speech, but I chickened out at the last minute.本来应该由我来致开场白,但我在最后一刻打了退堂鼓。Some investors got cold feet, and pulled out of the project at the last minute.一些投资者退缩了,在最后一分钟退出了这个项目。The event was canceled at the last minute when the speaker didn't show up.这个活动因发言人没到场在最后一刻取消了。Travelers will find it hard to get a hotel room at the last minute.旅游者会发现事到临头很难订到房间。He would drive very fast and brake hard/sharply at the last minute.他总是开得飞快,然后在最后一刻再猛地刹车。I got a cheap flight at the last minute.我在最后一刻买到了一张便宜的机票。I was going to do a parachute jump but I wimped out at the last minute.我打算去跳伞,但到了最后一刻我还是吓得没敢跳。The buyers of the house pulled back at the last minute.那些买房者都在最后时刻决定不买了。They've cried off at the last minute.他们在最后时刻打了退堂鼓。Realizing its error at the last minute, the magazine just managed to correct the offending headline.杂志社在最后一刻发现错误,及时更正了这个极具冒犯性的标题。She was going to sell her house but had a change of heart at the last minute.她本打算卖掉自己的房子,可是在最后一刻又改变了主意。The catering arrangements for the conference fell through at the last minute.为大会提供餐饮服务的安排在最后一刻成了泡影。He scored at the last minute, and spared England's blushes.他在最后一刻进了球,使英格兰队不至于太难堪。We were gazumped at the last minute.原定卖给我们的房子在最后一刻反悔卖给了出价更高的买主。The boat was heading for the rocks but at the last minute veered off in another direction.那艘船冲向岩石,但在最后一刻猛然转向了。Dan wanted to ask his boss for a day off but he lost his nerve at the last minute.丹原想向老板请一天假,但他最后一刻失去了勇气。"He called at the last minute to say he wasn't coming." "Typical!"“他在最后时刻打电话说不来了。”“他老是这样!”He dingoed on his comrades at the last minute.他在最后一分钟出卖了他的同志们。I was going to enter a belly-dancing contest,but I bottled out at the last minute.我当时正想参加肚皮舞比赛,但我在最后一分钟失去了勇气而没参加。The Liberal Democrat's support fell away at the last minute.自由民主党的支持率在最后一刻有所下降。We had a great plan,but George copped out at the last minute.我们原来有一个很不错的计划,可是乔治在最后一分钟撒手不干了。The prisoners' attempt to escape was foiled at the last minute when police received a tip-off.由于警方收到密报,囚犯的越狱企图在最后一刻被挫败。The demonstration was called off at the last minute.示威在临举行的一刻取消了。The government backed down at the last minute in a confrontation with the rail workers.在与铁路工人的对抗中,政府在最后时刻作了让步。The driver promised to drive me to the railway station, yet he begged off at the last minute.那司机本来答应把我载到火车站,可在最后一刻他借故推辞了。We'd planned to go camping but at the last minute Ron finked out.我们原计划去野营,但最后罗恩食言了。She dingoed at the last minute.她在最后一分钟退出了。Reading that book at the last minute was the only thing that got me through the history exam.我在最后关头读了那本书才使我通过了历史考试。An American businessman stepped in at the last minute to rescue the company.一位美国商人在最后一刻介入,拯救了公司。Mr White had promised to cooperate with us, but he cried off at the last minute.怀特先生本来答应与我们合作,但最后一刻打了退堂鼓。The union threatened a strike but called it off at the last minute.工会以罢工相威胁,但在最后一刻取消了罢工。




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