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词汇 mood
例句 Dieters can suffer from violent mood swings.节食者会有激烈的情绪波动。His mood had settled into a dull apathy.他的心态已变得麻木不仁。Rosie is certainly in a chatty mood today.罗西今天确实话比较多。He was in a bad mood because he had been stood up.他心情很糟,因为赴约会空等一场。She's been in a mood all morning.整个上午她一直情绪不好。In keeping with the general mood of the time, these novels tended to sentimentalize the past.与当时的总体气氛一致,这些小说都有美化过去的倾向。He woke up in a good mood, and I'm just hoping it will last.他醒来后心情不错,我只希望他的好心情能保持下去。He's been in a good mood all week. 他一周心情都很好。She was in a buoyant mood and they were looking forward to their new life.她心情愉快,他们正在憧憬未来的新生活。After we won the National Championship, the mood pervading through our team has been ebullient.在得到总冠军之后,整个球队的气氛都是热情洋溢的。You're in a cheerful mood this morning.今天早上你心情不错嘛。It's clear that he has badly miscalculated the mood of the people.显然他完全误判了人们的情绪。On the day after the terrorist attack, the overall mood in the town was one of vengeance.在恐怖主义袭击发生后的第二天,镇上人们普遍的情绪就是要复仇。There's no doubt Mr Putin's speech caught the mood of most deputies.无疑,普金先生的讲话充分反映了大多数代表的心情。The peaceful mood was broken by the blare of a police siren.平静的气氛被刺耳的警笛声所打破。The mood was relaxed and convivial.气氛轻松而友好。Verbs may be inflected for person, tense, voice, and mood.动词随著人称、时态、语态和语气的不同可能会有词形的曲折变化。He's not in a very good mood.他情绪不佳。He's in a conversational mood today.今天他谈兴很浓。I'll come back when you're in a more reasonable mood.等你理智一些后,我再回来。He accurately gauged the mood of the voters.他对选民的情绪做了准确的估计。The CEO was in a defiant mood as she entered the boardroom.首席执行官进入会场的时候一副听不进意见的样子。The mood of misery never altogether lifted.那种悲苦的情绪始终没有消散殆尽。You're certainly in a playful mood!你确实挺开心的!Why were you in such a bad mood this morning?今天早上你为什么心情这么不好?She could be a very funny girl when the mood struck her.她心情好的时候会变得很风趣。The music quickly modulates from its original key, changing the mood of the song.音乐很快变调,改变了曲子的气氛。Everyone was in a conciliatory mood at the start of the meeting.会议开始时,人人都抱着和解的想法。She could surely take the mood as a certificate that all was well.她肯定会把这种情绪看作一种一切顺利的证明。That morning, he perceived a change in Franco's mood.那天早上,他注意到佛朗哥情绪的变化。The subjunctive mood uses distinctive verb forms.虚拟语气使用特殊的动词形式。She was in too vile a mood to work.她心情很差,没心思工作。He was almost back to his belligerent mood of twelve months ago.他故态复萌,几乎又像一年前那样咄咄逼人了。People were in a pretty good mood.人们的心情十分舒畅。Judging by Michael's expression I'd say he wasn't in a very good mood today.从迈克尔的表情来看,我觉得他今天心情不是很好。His mood can swing wildly from cheerful to angry.他的情绪能从兴高采烈突然变为勃然大怒。She blandished him out of his black mood.她用甜言蜜语消除了他忧郁的情绪。The market opened in a bullish mood.股市开盘时行情看涨。I'm not in the mood for company.我想自己一个人待会儿。The music suited her melancholy mood.这音乐很适合她的伤感情绪。




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