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词汇 mooching
例句 She's been mooching money off everyone she knows.一直以来,她都在向每个认识的人伸手要钱。We had been mooching champagne at one of the corporate get-togethers.在公司的一次聚会上,我们不停地索要香槟酒喝。Chinaski is not going to spend much time mooching in the kitchen.奇纳斯基不想在厨房里消磨太多时间。He's always mooching off his friends.他总是揩朋友的油。He's always mooching cigarettes.他总是向人要烟抽。The management discovered that someone has been mooching items in the store.商店的管理阶层发现有人在店里揩油。I've just been mooching about all afternoon.我一下午都在到处乱逛。It was no good moping and mooching and feeling sorry for herself.沮丧消沉,漠然置之,顾影自怜,这些对她都没用。




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