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词汇 研究人员
例句 American researchers have now leapfrogged the Japanese and are going to produce a digital system within a year or two.美国研究人员现在已经超越日本同行,将在一两年内生产出一套数字系统。Researchers have found conflicting results on the effects of the drug.对该药的疗效,研究人员得出了相互矛盾的结果。The researchers made an extraordinary discovery.研究人员有特别发现。Researchers have found a modest increase in risk among users of the pill.研究人员发现,服用避孕药的人风险稍有增加。Researchers have now established a connection between air pollution and asthma.研究人员现在已经确定了空气污染与哮喘之间有联系。Researchers should always be able to guarantee complete confidentiality for their subjects.研究人员一定要能够保证研究对象的资料得到绝对保密。Each researcher reports his results back to the project director.每名研究人员都向项目主管汇报其研究结果。Researchers wrongly assumed that people were quite clear about the demands of the task.研究人员错误地认为大家都很清楚该项任务的要求。Researchers are exultant over/about the new discovery.研究人员为这一新发现欢欣鼓舞。We brought together researchers from three different universities to work on the project.我们联合了三所大学的研究人员从事这个项目。Researchers say they have made/achieved a major breakthrough in cancer treatment.研究人员称他们已在癌症治疗方面取得重大突破。He receives a small stipend for his work as a research fellow.作为研究人员,他做研究工作获取小额津贴。The subject has been engaging the attention of many researchers.这一课题引起了许多研究人员的注意。Researchers are homing in on the cause of the disease.研究人员正在寻找病因。The researchers encountered many problems but they soldiered on.研究人员遭遇诸多困难,但他们迎难而上。The researchers work in isolation.那批研究人员单独工作。Researchers are looking at how a mother's health can affect the baby in the womb.研究人员正在观察母亲的健康会对子宫中的胎儿产生何种影响。Researchers realised that a tunable laser beam might be useful in surgery.研究人员意识到,可调谐激光束也许可以用在外科手术中。Researchers observed one bird impale a rodent on a cactus.研究人员观察到一只鸟把一只啮齿动物刺穿在仙人掌上。There is debate among researchers about the causes of this disease.关于这种病的起因研究人员之间有争论。Researchers calculated that this group was at a higher risk of heart disease.研究人员估测这一群体得心脏病的几率更高。Researchers try to quote primary sources wherever possible.研究人员尽可能地引用原始资料。The researchers hope to identify ways to improve the treatment.研究人员希望找到提高治疗效果的方法。After several false starts, the researchers were finally able to identify the virus causing the epidemic.经过几次失败后,研究人员终于识别出引发这种流行病的病毒。This book continues to be a rich resource for contemporary investigators.这部书仍是当代研究人员的信息宝库。Scientists hope the work done in collaboration with other researchers may be duplicated elsewhere.科学家们希望与其他研究人员合作的成果可以适用于别处。This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.这并不是为了限制社会研究人员所能采用的方法。Scientists realized that most other researchers had been barking up the wrong tree.科学家们意识到,其他多数研究人员都搞错了研究方向。The programme's researchers are guilty of bias and misrepresentation.该项目的研究人员有心存偏见和描述不实的过失。Medical researchers are determined to find a cure for cancer.医学研究人员决心要找出治疗癌症的方法。Half of the researchers have first degrees, the other half have PhDs.这些研究人员一半人拥有学士学位,一半人拥有博士学位。Researchers have just completed the largest-ever survey of criminal behaviour in the UK研究人员刚刚完成了英国历史上最大规模的犯罪行为调查。Researchers at universities are always bemoaning their lack of funds.大学里的研究人员总是抱怨资金不足。A research fellow took blood from consenting patients.经患者同意,一个研究人员采了血。These researchers are on/at the front line of defense against cancer.这些研究人员奋战在抗癌的第一线。The society was looking for a capable research worker.该协会在物色一位有能力的研究人员The researchers' findings still came as a profound shock.研究人员的发现仍然让人大为震惊。There are many avenues open to researchers.研究人员有许多途径可供选择。Our boffins finally broke the enemy's code!我们的研究人员终于破解了敌方的密码!Researchers have stumbled across a drug that may help patients with Parkinson's disease.研究人员偶然发现了一种药物,也许可以治疗帕金森病。




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