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词汇 at the beginning
例句 Try to get into the habit of planning your work at the beginning of the day.要养成习惯,每天一起来就要安排好你的工作。The novel realistically depicts immigrant life at the beginning of the last century.小说栩栩如生地描绘了上个世纪初的移民生活。Frank joined the navy at the beginning of the war.弗兰克在战争开始时参加了海军。He seemed quite nervous at the beginning, but he soon loosened up.刚开始的时候他似乎非常紧张,但不久就放松了下来。That bit at the beginning of the film was brilliant.电影开头的那一段精彩极了。The book is really heavy going at the beginning.这本书开头真的很难读。Tom played the piece well, despite a few slips at the beginning.尽管刚开始出了点差错,但汤姆这支曲子演奏得还是不错。She started running much too fast at the beginning and blew her chances of winning the race.她一开始跑得太快,所以失去了赢得比赛的机会。Things are often a bit shambolic at the beginning of the school year.学年刚开始的时候,事情往往有点儿混乱。Several players began to lag behind even at the beginning of the race.比赛刚进行就有几名选手落在了后面。A lot of us felt doubtful about the project at the beginning.我们中大多数人一开始都对此计划心存怀疑。There were the usual teething troubles at the beginning of the project, but that's to be expected.这项工程一开始遇到了通常会碰到的初期困难,但那是意料之中的。Finally, I'd like to go back to the point I made at the beginning of the lecture.最后,我想继续谈谈讲座开始时我提出的那个观点。He won the election and will take office at the beginning of the year.他赢得了选举,年初即将上任。Please make an indent at the beginning of each paragraph.请在每段开头空格。The German team were in deep trouble at the beginning of the match but in the end they came through.德国队在比赛开始时困难重重,但最后他们安然渡过了。He leaves the hospital tomorrow and is expected to resume his duties at the beginning of next month.他明天出院,预计下个月初重新开始工作。School will be back in session at the beginning of September. 学校将在九月初开学。Even at the beginning, there were intimations that the project was in trouble.甚至在开始阶段,就有征兆表明这个项目有麻烦。I am at the beginning of a new and unutterable loneliness.我再次开始陷入莫名的孤独寂寞之中。He looked like a sure loser at the beginning of the year.当年年初,他看上去就必输无疑。Early bird discounts are usually available at the beginning of the season.在换季之初抢先购买通常会有折扣优惠。Many German artists fled to America at the beginning of World War II.第二次世界大战初期,许多德国艺术家逃往美国。O.K. I'll sign off. We'll talk at the beginning of the week.好,就说到这儿吧,下周初我们再谈。Our new payments system will go live at the beginning of next month.下个月初我们新的支付系统将开始运行。Topics may be selected by the chairperson at the beginning of the meeting.议题将由主席在会议开始时挑选。If we didn't have what it took at the beginning, we picked it up along the way.如果说在开始时我们还不具备成功的条件,一路做来的同时我们创造了这种条件。And at the beginning, I didn't quite understand what all this was about.我起初不太明白这一切究竟是怎么回事。The bill will become law at the beginning of the year.这一议案年初就会成为法律。I realized I was in at the beginning of a great experiment.我意识到自己见证了一次伟大实验的开始。We pay our rent at the beginning of the month.我们月初付房租。In New Mexico, a state statute permits one minute of silent prayer at the beginning of school.在新墨西哥,有一条新法规允许每天上课之前可以有一分钟的默祷。I agreed with most of what he said at the beginning of the speech but not with his closing remarks.我赞同他演讲开始时说的大部分话,但不同意他的结束语。She was nervous at the beginning but she settled down as she got further into her speech.演说刚开始时她很紧张,但讲着讲着她就安定下来了。A poem was recited at the beginning of the wedding ceremony.婚礼以诗朗诵开始。They suffered through several meager years at the beginning of their marriage.在刚结婚的头几年,他们过得很困难。He was called up right at the beginning of the war.他在战争一开始时就被征召入伍。The people who have become rich in this business are the ones who got in at the beginning.这个行业致富的人全是那些在开始阶段就参与进来的人。OK, let's just begin at the beginning.好吧,我们就从头开始吧。I'm paid at the beginning of each month.每月月初给我发工资。




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