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词汇 mixed with
例句 Northern Kentucky is likely to get snow mixed with sleet.肯塔基州北部可能有雨夹雪。The lamb is minced, mixed with spices, and formed into meatballs. 羊肉被搅碎了,混合着香料做成了肉丸。Tears of relief were mixed with tears of sorrow.宽慰的泪水和悲伤的泪水混在了一起。Eventually the vegetation decomposes and is mixed with dirt and used in the garden.最终植物腐烂了,与泥土混在一起被用在花园里。We drink whisky mixed with beer.我们喝掺有啤酒的威士忌。When mixed with water the powder forms a smooth paste.和水混合以后,这种粉末会形成均匀的糊状。The fruit is reduced to a pulp and then mixed with sugar.把水果榨成浆状,然后拌上糖。Hydrogen is explosively flammable when mixed with oxygen.氢气与氧气混合时会发生爆炸性燃烧。Good is inextricably mixed with ill.好总是不可避免地同坏掺杂在一起。She mixed with the in crowd.她与时髦阶层交往。Oils may be mixed with a base oil and massaged into the skin.可将油与基底油混合,通过按摩让皮肤吸收。Biofuels can be mixed with conventional fuels.生物燃料可以与传统燃料混合。Their comedy is frequently mixed with the pathetic or the sinister.他们的喜剧作品常常掺有感伤或不吉的成分。Northern Kentucky will get snow mixed with sleet.肯塔基州北部将有雨夹雪。The powder is mixed with cold water to form a paste.粉末加冷水搅拌成糊状。




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