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词汇 misuse
例句 The effectiveness of this class of drug has, however, led to their misuse.不过,此类药品的显著疗效已经导致对其的滥用。He has taken a public stand on the issue of misuse of hospital funds.在滥用医院资金的问题上,他采取公开的反对态度。Opponents of genetic engineering see it as a misuse of scientific knowledge.反对者认为遗传工程学是滥用科学知识。This delicate mechanism has been shot by prolonged misuse.这个精密机械装置由于长期滥用而毁坏了。Its stated purpose is to help prevent misuse of alcohol.其目的据称是帮助预防酗酒。No refunds will be offered on products damaged by/through misuse.因操作不规范造成的产品损坏不能退款。So many parents misuse their children.有太多的父母虐待子女。The investigation has centered mainly on/upon the alleged misuse of public funds.调查主要围绕有关公共基金滥用的指控展开。It is wrong to misuse our natural resources.滥用我们的自然资源是不对的。The new law toughens up penalties for those that misuse guns.新法对滥用枪支的处罚更为严厉。Immeasurable quantities of natural resources were lost forever through misuse.无法估量的自然资源因被滥用而永远丧失了。It represents a gross misuse of power.这是明目张胆地滥用权力。The natural resources of the country are leaking away through misuse.该国的自然资源由于使用不当正在白白浪费掉。It disturbs me that you misuse your talents.你在滥用你的才能,这让我感到不安。Infants of mothers who misuse drugs have an increased morbidity.乱用药物的母亲生下的婴儿发病率更高。The effectiveness of this class of drug has led to its misuse.这类药物因为疗效好而被滥用。He was eventually convicted for the misuse of official funds.最终他因滥用公款被判有罪。As a safeguard against misuse, memorize your PIN number immediately and destroy this advice slip.为了防止别人盗用,立即记住你的个人密码,然后撕毁这张通知单。The warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse of the product.本保修单不承保因产品使用不当而引起的损坏。There is concern that the judges might misuse their power.有人担心裁判员可能会滥用权力。Can manufacturers be held liable for the criminal misuse of their products?制造商会因为他们的产品被用作犯罪工具而被追究责任吗?She's charged with misuse of company funds.她被指控滥用公司资金。He was fired for computer misuse.他因滥用计算机而被解雇了。There was no guarantee against misuse of the political power.没有什么可以保证政治权力不被滥用。




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