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词汇 警卫
例句 He thrust the dagger into the guard's side.他将匕首刺进警卫的腰部。The guards were removing a section of fencing to let it through.警卫在拆除一段围栏好让它通过。The neighbourhood is a gated community with a security guard to protect residents from intruders.这一街区是一个封闭式住宅小区,有警卫看守大门防止外人擅入。Eight police outriders escorted the minister's car.有八名摩托车警卫护送部长的车。He tried to leave but one of the guards blocked his path.他试图离开,但是一名警卫挡住了他的去路。The guard located himself by the back door.那个警卫在后门站岗。A guard was blowing his whistle.一个警卫正在吹警笛。Inside, a guard directed them to the right.进去后,一名警卫把他们引向了右边。A guard zapped him with the stun gun.一名警卫用眩晕枪击中了他。The guards pinned his arms to his sides.警卫们把他的胳膊按在了他的身体两侧。The guard was changed every two hours.警卫每两小时换一次岗。She stopped a guard and enquired whether the train went to Evesham.她叫住了一个警卫,问他这火车是不是去伊夫舍姆。The guard told us roughly that we had to stand back.警卫粗暴地叫我们必须往后站。The budget surplus could be used to hire and train more border guards.多出的预算可以用来雇用和训练更多的边防警卫The guard looked us up and down and then let us in.警卫把我们上下打量了一番后让我们进去。Officially, the guards were there to protect us. In fact, they were there to report on our movements.名义上,警卫在那儿是为了保护我们。实际上,他们在那儿是为了报告我们的一举一动。The thieves sneaked in while the guard had his back turned.警卫转过身去时,小偷们就溜了进来。The security guard stared at us suspiciously.警卫怀疑地盯着我们。The guard stood immobile by the gate.警卫一动不动地站立在门口。Guards had been posted all around the TV studio.整个电视演播室周围都设置了警卫Only a uniformed guard stultified with boredom might have overheard them.只有一名穿制服的无聊警卫可能偷听到了他们的谈话。Two guards looked after the security of the property.两个警卫看管财产的安全。A guard came and took our names and noted where each of us was sitting.一名警卫来记了我们的名字,还记下了我们每个人的座位。The guard unlocked the cuffs of the prisoner.警卫打开了囚犯的手铐。Guards in the lobby prevent employees from going off with computers and sensitive documents.大堂里有警卫防止员工拿走电脑和敏感的文件。The guards permitted me to bring my camera and tape recorder.警卫允许我带相机和录音机。The guards began to draw their weapons.警卫开始拔出武器。There are guards on the door to keep out (the) undesirables.门口有警卫,会把不受欢迎的人挡在门外。The security guards used to pass their time playing cards.警卫过去常玩纸牌消磨时间。Two guards with sidearms patrolled the wall.两名配枪警卫在城墙上巡逻。He broke for the door, but the guards got there before he did.他向门口冲去,但是警卫先于他赶到了那里。The guard preceded them down the corridor.警卫带领他们穿过了走廊。Sentries are mounted outside the palace at all times.宫殿外一直有警卫站岗。The day shift guard relieved the night shift one.白天值班的警卫替下了夜班警卫The building is surrounded by armed guards/soldiers.大楼被荷枪实弹的警卫/士兵包围了。We hid behind the door, listening for the sound of the guard's footsteps.我们躲在门后,留心听着有没有警卫的脚步声。The security guards set their dogs on the intruders.警卫放狗咬非法闯入者。The guard buzzed me through the gate.警卫按蜂鸣器开门让我进去。The guards hustled us away.警卫叫我们赶快离开。The inmate outwitted his guards and escaped.囚犯骗过警卫逃跑了。




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