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It was hard to make out the path in the mist.在雾中很难辨认出小路来。As soon as the sun comes out, the mist will pass away.太阳一出来,雾就会消失。A fine mist floated over the fields.田野上空飘浮着一层薄雾。The little town had vanished in the mist.小城已消失在雾中。We could barely make out some figures moving in the mist.我们只能勉强看到一些人影在雾里移动。A faint mist hung over the valley.山谷上空笼罩着薄雾。A figure emerged from the mist.一个人影从雾中现身。The hollow was wreathed in mist.山谷里雾气萦绕。They waited while the mist cleared a little.他们等到雾略微散去。Suddenly a phantom appeared out of the mist, terrifying the hikers.突然,薄雾中出现一个幽灵,吓坏了远足的人。A light mist lay in the valley.山谷中飘荡着薄雾。A white mist obscured the top of the hill.白雾遮住了山头。A mist of perfume issued from the atomizer.一阵香水的轻雾从雾化器中喷射出来。There was a veil of mist over the mountains.山上覆盖著一层薄雾。The cliff was shrouded in mist.峭壁上薄雾笼罩。The mist along the river banks had gone by mid-morning.上午过半,河岸的雾气已经消散。The sky was all wisped with mist.整个天空布满了缕缕薄雾。Thomas stared into the wet dusk, which was hazed by a small mist.托马斯盯着薄雾中潮湿而朦胧的黄昏景象。The mist had been replaced by a kind of haze that seemed to amplify the heat.薄雾散了,取而代之的是一种似乎更添酷热的烟霭。The bridge suddenly appeared out of the mist and they blinked at the sheer size of it.大桥在雾中突然出现,他们都惊叹其规模之大。A bluish mist hung in the air.一层淡蓝色的薄雾弥漫在空中。The sun soon dispelled the mist.太阳不久就驱散了薄雾。The dim outline of a building loomed up out of the mist.一座建筑物巨大而朦胧的轮廓在雾霭中隐现。When the mist descends it comes quickly and covers everything.雾气向下弥漫时来得很快,瞬间遮住了一切。Soon the sun would break through the mist.不久,太阳就会破雾而出。The mist suddenly fell from her eyes.她突然眼前一亮。The grassy hills were sheathed in mist.绿草如茵的群山雾气弥漫。The fine rain turned to mist in the early evening.傍晚,细雨变成了薄雾。The sun shoots its beams through the mist.太阳透过雾层射出光芒。The view was obscured by mist.薄雾中景色朦胧。The street lamps gleamed dully through the night's mist.街灯透过夜晚的薄雾发出暗淡而微弱的光。I looked back, but the shore was shrouded in mist.我向后看去,但是岸上被雾气笼罩着。A mist of fine dust hovered over the street.街上弥漫着微尘。Thick mist made flying impossible.浓雾致使无法飞行。There's always a mist on the bathroom mirror/windows when I've had a shower.我淋浴过后,浴室的镜子/窗户上总有一层水汽。The path was almost indiscernible in the mist.小路在雾中几乎无法看清楚。Everything was shrouded in mist and raindrops.一切都被笼罩在雾雨之中。She could hardly recognize her son through a mist of tears.她泪眼模糊,几乎认不出自己的儿子了。The mist eddied round the old house.雾气回旋在这栋老房子的四周。Wintry sun peered through the dispersing mist.冬日的太阳透过弥漫的薄雾隐现出来。 |