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词汇 mirror
例句 My hat was askew so I adjusted it in the mirror.我的帽子戴歪了,于是我对着镜子正了正。The uniformed soldiers were mirror images of each other.穿制服的士兵们彼比非常相像。Vandals had slashed the tyres and broken the side mirror.破坏分子划破轮胎并且打碎了侧视镜。The movers banged the mirror and broke it.搬运工粗手重脚地搬镜子,结果把它打碎了。These novels mirror life in today's Japan from various angles.这些小说从不同角度反映了当代日本的生活。The mirror is all steamed up.镜子上全是水汽。She kept looking in the mirror despite my constant reassurances that her hair looked fine.尽管我一直安慰她说头发看上去很好,她还是不停地照镜子。There is a crack in the mirror/windshield/glass.镜子/挡风玻璃/玻璃上有条裂纹。The left side of the building is a mirror image of the right.建筑物的左侧是镜像里的右侧。He spends up to two hours a day preening in front of the bathroom mirror.他每天花长达两小时在浴室的镜子前精心打扮。The telescope contains a large convex mirror to collect the light.这架望远镜有一块很大的凸镜来采集光线。The mirror was hinged to a surrounding frame.用铰链把镜子和外框连接在一起。The little mirror was decorated with shells and beads.这面小镜子有贝壳和珠子作装饰。They were spied on via a two-way mirror.透过单向透明玻璃镜对他们进行暗中监视。Glue the mirror in with a strong adhesive.用强力胶把镜子牢牢地粘上。He postured himself in front of the mirror.他在镜子前面摆姿势。Her reflection in the mirror looked distorted.她在镜子里的模样看起来变形了。Each mirror is made to order and can be designed to almost any shape or size.每面镜子都是定制的,几乎可以设计成任何形状和尺寸。He checked his mirror and saw that a blue van was immediately behind him.他看了一下后视镜,发现一辆蓝色小货车紧随其后。She sat down in front of the mirror and brushed her hair carefully.她坐在镜子前面,仔细地梳着头发。She never left the house without having a quick look at herself in the hall mirror.她出门前一定要在门厅的镜子前匆匆照一下。She stared at herself in the mirror.她凝视着镜中的自己。When you've written your list, post it on the fridge or the mirror in your bathroom, wherever you're going to look at it regularly.在列出清单之后,将其贴在冰箱或浴室镜上,这样你就能经常看见它。He saw his reflection in the mirror.他在镜中看到了自己的身影。The light reflected off the mirror.光从镜子上反射回来。The light will bounce off the mirror and shine into the next room.光线可通过镜子反射,照进隔壁房间。She took a pocket mirror out of her handbag and put on some lipstick.她从手提包里取出一面小镜子,然后涂了一点口红。Here's a useful tip if you're caught without a mirror.如果你遇到没有镜子的情况,这是个有用的方法。She sat down in front of her dressing-table mirror to look at herself.她在梳妆台的镜子前面坐下端详自己。His image seemed to be reflected many times in the mirror.那面镜子里好像映现出很多个他的影像。She stared at her face in the mirror.她盯着镜子里自己的脸。She realigned the mirror.她调整了镜子的角度。Around the mirror were carved festoons of flowers.镜框四周刻满了垂花雕饰。This room is a mirror image of that one.这个房间和那个房间一模一样。Open the window when you have a shower to stop the mirror misting over.淋浴时打开窗,免得镜子蒙上水汽。The mirror over the sink is a little bit off-center.洗脸盆上的镜子有点歪。She took one last glance in the mirror and then left.她最后照了一下镜子,然后离开了。Studying his face in the bathroom mirror he wished he had more definite features.看着浴室镜子中的脸,他真希望自己的五官能够更分明一些。The mirror gives an illusion of depth.镜子造成一种纵深幻觉。He was busy admiring himself in the mirror.他忙着在镜前自我欣赏。




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