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词汇 attending
例句 I'm speaking at/attending a conference next week.我下周要在一个会议上发言/出席一个会议。They were attending hospital for follow-up treatment.他们入院接受后续治疗。No one can prevent you from attending this meeting.没人能阻止你参加这次会议。Children must be vaccinated against measles before attending school.儿童上学前都必须接种麻疹疫苗。Part of her duties is attending official state functions.她的部分职责是出席官方的国宴。Baxter was in Boston attending a conference on the environment.巴克斯特正在波士顿参加一个环境问题讨论会。The Queen hosted a dinner for leaders attending the European summit.女王设宴招待了参加欧洲峰会的各国首脑。Flu prevented her from attending her daughter's confirmation.她因流感没能参加女儿的坚振礼仪式。These issues are largely irrelevant and distract us from attending to the real questions.这些问题大体上无关紧要,却转移了我们对真正问题的注意力。He won't be attending the conference.他将不会参加这次会议。While fewer people are attending live sports events, armchair viewers are growing in number.现场观看体育比赛的人越来越少,坐在家里看电视转播的却越来越多。Those not attending the meeting may vote by proxy.那些未出席会议的人可请他人代为投票。He will be attending next week's Grammy Awards in feverish anticipation.他将怀着热切的期待出席下周的格莱美奖颁奖。Will you be attending the conference?你会出席这次会议吗?He had little/no hope of attending college.他上大学希望渺茫/毫无希望。Senior government officials will be attending a meeting tomorrow.政府高级官员们明天将参加一个会议。She has an eye to attending graduate school. 她打算读研究生。He earned his high school diploma by attending classes at night.他通过上夜校获得了高中文凭。Good students are exempted from attending study hall.成绩好的学生免上自修课。It is a great privilege to be attending this conference.能参加这次会议是莫大的荣幸。The U.S. is attending more regional forums.美国出席的地区论坛比以往多了。They were completely zonked after attending the party last night.昨晚参加完派对之后,他们全部都醉倒了。He had given up attending lectures out of sheer boredom.那些讲座太无聊了,他不去听了。It's a difficult balancing act, but many students hold full-time jobs while attending school.这事很难平衡,可许多学生一边上学一边做全职工作。The First Lady is expected to be among the many VIPs attending tonight.今晚第一夫人有可能和许多要人一起出席。She is attending college on a full scholarship. 她上大学拿的是全额奖学金。He was attending as a guest.他作为宾客出席。The nurse is attending to a sick man.护士正在照料病人。The Jordanian leader seemed amenable to attending a conference.约旦领导人似乎愿意参加会议。He became inebriated after attending a binge party.他参加一个狂欢派对之后就变得醉醺醺的。He realized his error in not attending the funeral.他意识到没参加葬礼是个错误。After all that media attention, the whole event turned out to be a bit of a damp squib, with very few people attending.那次活动虽然媒体很关注,但来参加的人却寥寥无几,与预期相差甚远。She didn't feel up to attending the party.她不觉得想参加舞会。We—that is to say my wife and I—will be attending the wedding.我们,即我和我妻子,将会参加婚礼。Grants are offered to help defray the cost of attending the conference.提供补助金来帮助支付参加会议的费用。Jane has been attending on her sick mother for years.珍多年来一直在照料她那有病的母亲。She was still attending kindergarten at Assumption School.她还在上萨普天主教学校的幼儿园。The bad weather precluded me from attending the meeting.糟糕的天气使我不能出席会议。May I be dispensed from attending the meeting?我可以不参加会议吗?She asked to be excused from attending that evening.她请求不出席那个晚会。




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