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词汇 Mira
例句 Mira will fit in the back of the car - she's only a little 'un!米拉可以挤进车后排——她只是个小不点儿!The orchestra was conducted by Mira Shapur.管弦乐队由米拉‧沙普尔指挥。You see where Mira is standing? Well, he's behind her.你看到米拉站在哪儿了吗?嗯,他在她的后面。Mira rather put the boss on the spot by asking him when he was going to give us a pay rise.米拉问老板打算什么时候给我们加薪,可真让他当场下不了台。I made the tea yesterday so it's Mira's turn to be tea-wallah this afternoon.昨天是我沏的茶,所以今天下午该轮到米拉沏茶了。Mira's going to be very weak for a long time after the operation, so she'll need a lot of care.手术后,米拉在很长一段时间内会十分虚弱,所以她需要多加照顾。Mira hadn't seen Brad since their student days at the University of Wisconsin.米拉自从在威斯康星大学读书的时代以后,就再没见过布拉德了。




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