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词汇 swimming
例句 There have been several sightings of whales swimming off the island.人们好几次发现有鲸在这个岛屿附近游。When the water reached his waist, he had to start swimming.水涨到了他的腰部,他只好游起泳来。It was the quickest swimming lesson I'd ever witnessed.这是我所见过的最速成的游泳课。We should determine/decide if it is safe to go swimming.我们应该确定去游泳是否安全。They pulled her out of the swimming pool and began CPR.他们把她拉出游泳池,然后开始实施心肺复苏术。Roz and I sat by the swimming pool, drooling over all the gorgeous young men.罗兹和我坐在游泳池边痴痴地看着那些帅小伙儿。He had a scar across his forehead from hitting his head on the bottom of a swimming pool.他曾把头撞到了游泳池池底,额头留有一道伤疤。The twins went swimming after lunch.午饭后这对双胞胎去游泳了。My sister smeared herself with suntan oil and slept by the swimming pool.我姐姐在身上抹了防晒油,躺在游泳池边睡着了。Our neighbors have a swimming pool in their backyard.我们邻居家的后院有个游泳池。She enjoys rambling, swimming, and biking.她喜欢远足、游泳和骑自行车。We were very impressed by the new school, not least its own swimming pool.新学校给我们很好的印象,特别是它还有自己的游泳池。I go swimming every day after work.我每天下班后都去游泳。Never go swimming on a full stomach.饭后不要立即去游泳。Surfing is more interesting than swimming.冲浪比游泳有趣。Cycling is the best all-round exercise after swimming.自行车运动是仅次于游泳的最佳全身运动方式。My doctor recommends aerobic activities such as running, cycling, and swimming.我的医生建议我多做有氧运动,如跑步、骑车和游泳。They threw him in the swimming pool.他们把他扔进了游泳池。There are often wild ducks swimming in the creek.小溪中常有野鸭戏水。All the kids are keen on swimming.这些孩子全都喜欢游泳。Goldfish were swimming lazily just under the surface.金鱼紧贴着水面慢吞吞地游着。Patients exercised their atrophied limbs in the swimming pool.患者在游泳池里锻炼萎缩的肢体。She won an Olympic gold medal in swimming.她获得奥林匹克游泳金牌。Residents may use the hotel swimming pool at no extra charge.住客不必另外付费,即可使用酒店内的游泳池。I tried my hand at swimming, though it was the first time I'd been in the water.那是我第一次下水,但我总算是尝试过游泳了。The wild weather did not deter some people from swimming in the sea.尽管风雨交加,一些人还是会下海游泳。From that moment on, I loved swimming.从那一刻起,我喜欢上了游泳。They used the swimming-pool, rode, lazed in the deep shade of the oaks in the heat of the day.他们去游泳池游泳,去骑马,一天之中最热之时在橡树的浓阴下消磨时间。I also enjoy windsurfing, tennis, racquetball, swimming, you name it.我也喜欢帆板、网球、短柄墙球、游泳等等,不一而足。The school had a swimming pool of a kind, but it was too small for most classes to use.学校有一个所谓的游泳池,但对大多数班级来说都太小了,不够用。He has gone into training for the swimming competition.他已投入训练,准备参加游泳比赛。Fiona's mad on swimming.菲奥纳对游泳很着迷。The program includes swimming, fishing and canoeing.项目包括游泳、钓鱼和划独木舟。The municipality has/have closed the swimming pool.市政当局已关闭了那个游泳池。The swimming pool has a deep end and a shallow end for kids.这个游泳池的一端是深水区,一端是供小孩用的浅水区。To warm up before swimming practice, we run in place for five minutes.为了泳前热身,我们原地跑了五分钟。You'll also have unlimited access to the swimming pool.进泳池的次数是没有限制的。The swimming pool is out of bounds to children unless they are with an adult.这座游泳池是不许孩子们进入的,除非有大人陪同。The hotel was very quiet so we had the swimming pool all to ourselves .酒店很清静,所以我们独自享用了游泳池。Ben loves swimming, playing tennis, those kinds of thing.本喜欢游泳、打网球这一类活动。




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