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词汇 minority
例句 Such laws exist only to conserve the privilege of this selfish minority.这种法律的存在只会保护这一小部分自私自利者的特权。Women are in the minority in the top ranks of government.在政府的高级职位中,女性只占少数。The government seems not to be troubled by its inconsistent policies on minority rights.政府好像并不觉得其在少数民族权利问题上政策的前后不一有什么不妥。It would be a great tragedy if outdoor education became lost to all but a minority of pupils.如果户外教育不再面向所有学生,只针对少数人,那将是个极大的悲剧。Qualified minority applicants are highly sought after.合格的少数民族申请人极受欢迎。The minority group has at last achieved parity in the media stakes.少数派在新闻媒介战中终于获得了均势。We leant over backwards to make sure that candidates from minority groups were given a fair chance.我们竭尽全力确保来自少数派团体的候选人得到公平的机会。We must not pander to the irrational prejudices of a small minority.我们决不能迎合一小撮人荒唐的偏见。Many minority groups are struggling to maintain their cultural identity.许多少数民族都在努力维护自己的文化认同。The group is becoming an influential minority in the community.这群人正成为该社区有影响力的少数群体。Majorities would ride roughshod over minority rights.多数人会无视少数人的权利。Only a minority of the people supported the Revolution.只有少数人支持这场革命。Of the fourteen openings, only one went to a minority candidate.十四个职位空缺中仅有一个给了少数民族求职者。The Voting Rights Act was needed to empower minority groups.《选举权法案》对于赋予少数民族自主权是必不可少的。The authority was accused of unfairly targeting minority groups.当局被指不公平地以少数族群为目标。She is one of a tiny minority of female motoring journalists.她是自己开车去采访的极少数女记者之一。This policy will isolate minority groups and prevent integration.这一政策将孤立少数人群社区,阻碍融合。Only a minority of people support these new laws.只有少数人支持这些新法令。A small minority remained stubbornly opposed to the idea.一小部分人仍在顽强抵制这一想法。Only a small minority of children get a chance to benefit from this.只有一小部分孩子有机会受益于此。There are not many, a tiny minority, who have misbehaved outrageously.不是很多,是极少数人举止极端出格。He's lining up alongside the minority in his party.他与党内的少数派站在一起。Gay people suffer just as much discrimination as any other oppressed minority.同性恋者和其他被压迫的少数群体一样受到歧视。The senator's constituency includes a large minority population.那位参议员所在的选区中选民包括大量少数族裔。It was a salutary experience to be in the minority.敌众我寡时倒是可以磨炼人。People from these minority groups must have equality of opportunity.来自这些少数民族的人必须享有均等的机会。Only a tiny minority of products are affected.只有极少数的产品受到了影响。Joyce is among the tiny minority of arthritis sufferers who experience these symptoms.乔伊斯是极少数出现这种症状的关节炎患者之一。We cannot make this minority a convenient excuse to turn our backs.我们不能因为他们是少数派就顺势对他们置之不理。The university has announced plans to increase the number of students from minority and disadvantaged groups.该大学宣布了增加少数民族学生及贫困学生人数的计划。Only a minority of union members voted in favour of continuing the strike.工会成员中只有少数投票赞成继续罢工。The anti-war group was an insignificant minority within the party.反战派是党内无足轻重的少数派。I found myself to be in a minority of one.我发现自己是孤家寡人。In the boardrooms of most big corporations, women are in the minority.在多数大公司的董事会里,女性都是占少数。Women were very much in the minority at the meeting.在这次会议上妇女占极少数。They hold a minority interest in the company.他们只是对那家公司有一点兴趣。The conference adopted a resolution on minority rights.会议通过了一项关于少数民族权利的决议。Although the Yakutians are a minority, they have firm control of the territory.尽管雅库特人在人数上属于少数,但他们牢牢控制着这片土地。Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country.爱好艺术的人在这个国家只占少数。Korean and other minority languages朝鲜语和其他少数民族语言




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