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词汇 minister
例句 The economic affairs minister announced limits on petrol sales.经济部长宣布了对石油销售的限制。The prime minister appeared to have weathered a parliamentary crisis.首相看来已经渡过了一次议会危机。The government appointed a former minister to go to Lebanon.政府指派一位前部长去黎巴嫩。The minister is Presbyterian.这位牧师是长老会的。The minister closed the services with a short prayer.牧师在简短的祷告后宣布宗教仪式结束。More than half his long service in parliament has been as a cabinet minister.他长期在议会任职,其中大半时间担任内阁部长。When the minister was forced to resign, the press was generally seen as the villain of the piece.那位部长被迫辞职,人们普遍认为新闻界是罪魁祸首。The interior minister said he would still support them, as long as they didn't break the rules.内政部长说,只要他们不违规,他仍然会支持他们。On the minister's own admission, much remains to be done.据部长自己承认,要做的事情还有很多。She was the most unpopular prime minister in recent history.她是近期历史上最不得人心的首相。He was given the title of deputy prime minister.他出任副首相一职。A cabinet minister came under investigation for links to the Mafia.一位内阁大臣因被怀疑与黑手党有关联而受到调查。His appointment as a cabinet minister was the summit of his career.他被任命为内阁部长是他事业的巅峰。An open letter to the prime minister, signed by several MPs, appeared in today's papers.在今天的报纸上登载了一封有好几位议员签名的致首相的公开信。They claim the prime minister has lost touch with the party.他们声称首相已不再了解这个党了。The prime minister thwarted the opposition's maneuver to gain control of the government.首相挫败了反对党企图控制政府的阴谋。The new prime minister is cultivating relationships with East Asian countries.新任首相将与东亚国家发展关系。The minister's inappropriate comments gave his opponents a new stick with which to beat him.那位部长不恰当的评论给对手提供了攻击他的把柄。The minister held a press conference in order to pre-empt criticism in the newspapers.部长召开了记者招待会,旨在先发制人,预先防备各报纸的指责批评。The country is ridding itself of its disgraced prime minister in a veil of secrecy.这个国家暗地里正试图把失势的首相赶下台。The author castigated the prime minister as an ineffective leader.这位作家严厉谴责首相不称职。The minister praised what he called her "kind and forbearing nature".牧师称赞她本性“善良宽容”。The minister has been using public funds to finance private dealings.部长一直在挪用公共基金作为私人交易的经费。Ministers have dusted down plans bequeathed by the former deputy prime minister.部长们已经重新审视了前任副首相遗留下来的计划。The prime minister immediately struck back at his critics.首相立即对他的批评者进行反击。They applauded the minister's ingenuity in avoiding tax rises.他们为部长在避免增税方面的智谋而喝彩。President Yeltsin nominated acting prime minister Sergei Kiriyenko to head the government.叶利钦总统任命代总理谢尔盖‧基里延科领导政府。The minister is in the office and will see you straight away.部长在办公室,这就见你。 A crowd was starting to collect outside the theatre to await the arrival of the prime minister.人群开始在剧院外聚集,等待首相到来。The prime minister is thought to favour an early referendum on the issue.人们认为首相支持对此尽早举行全民公决。It was all smiles and handshakes when Mr Putin met the British prime minister today.普京先生今天会见英国首相时,又是微笑又是握手。The prime minister was the guest of honour at the dinner.首相作为贵宾出席了晚宴。The reporter had copied down every word spoken by the minister.记者已把部长讲的话一字不漏地全记下来了。The king will have to clip his minister's wings in order to keep power himself.国王要保持权力就得限制大臣的权力。The minister was asked to officiate at the wedding.牧师受邀主持婚礼。Eight police outriders escorted the minister's car.有八名摩托车警卫护送部长的车。Before becoming prime minister, he had already occupied several cabinet posts.成为首相之前,他曾出任过好几个内阁职位。The treasury minister flannelled and failed to answer the question.财政部长顾左右而言他,没有回答这个问题。A leading article in 'The Times' accused the minister of lying.《泰晤士报》的一篇社论指责那名大臣说谎。The key question in British politics was how long the prime minister could survive.英国政治的关键问题是首相能坚持多久。




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