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词汇 威逼
例句 The confession was obtained under duress.供词是在威逼之下取得的。In her defence, the accused said that she had been acting under duress when she took the money.被告在辩护词中说,她拿钱的举动是在威逼之下做出的。They were robbed of money and valuables at gunpoint.他们在枪口的威逼下被抢去了钱及首饰。In a loud, hectoring tone, Alan told us that he wasn't going to waste time discussing nonsense.艾伦大声威逼我们说,他不会把时间浪费在讨论没用的事情上。Swords conquer some, but words subdue all men.刀剑威逼顺者少,好言劝说人皆服。He claimed the police had used coercion, threats, and promises to obtain the statement illegally.他声称警方曾用威逼、恐吓和许诺的方法来非法获取供词。He refuses to be browbeaten into making changes he thinks are not necessary.他受到威逼也不肯做出他认为不必要的改变。She was kidnapped and sexually assaulted at gunpoint.她遭人绑架,在枪口威逼之下被强暴了。My wife and I were held up at pistol point and robbed.我和妻子曾在枪口威逼下遭抢劫。The pilot was forced at gunpoint to fly to where the terrorists' headquarters were.飞机机师在枪口威逼下被迫飞往恐怖主义分子大本营的所在地。The miners were browbeaten into working in a part of the mine that the company knew to be dangerous.矿工在威逼下在矿下一个公司知道有危险的区域工作。Officials coerced peasants into voting for the government candidates.官员威逼农民投票给政府推荐的候选人。




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