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词汇 mind
例句 Don't mind Tom; he likes to sing in the mornings!别理睬汤姆。他喜欢早上唱歌!Tom might be there, mind.请注意,汤姆可能在那里。We must keep in mind the sensitivities of the victims' families.我们必须记住受害者的家人很容易受伤害。Suspicion began to creep into her mind.她心里开始怀疑起来。He let the plan ferment in his mind.他在头脑里酝酿这个计划。His name was new to me then and it stayed in my mind.当时我是第一次听到他的名字,就记住了。He looked vaguely around the room, his mind elsewhere.他茫然地看了看屋子四周,脑子里想着别的事。What comes to mind when you hear his name?你听到他的名字时想到了什么?They didn't mind breaking the law because they believed the law was unjust.他们无所谓违不违法,因为他们觉得法律是不公正的。I feel like I'm losing my mind. = I feel like I'm going out of my mind. 我感觉自己快要疯了。Would you mind if I crashed on your couch?我在你的沙发上睡可以吗?Do you know where my keys are? Oh, never mind. Here they are.你知道我的钥匙在哪儿吗?哦,别担心。在这儿呢。I'm sorry. So much has been happening, it went clean out of my mind.我很抱歉。 发生了这么多的事,我把它忘得一干二净了。The seeds of doubt were already planted in his mind.怀疑的种子已经在他的头脑中扎下了根。He wasn't going to come, but at the last minute he changed his mind.他本不打算来,但是他在最后一刻改变了想法。When a pain occurs, quiet your mind, and don't let it give sanction to the pain.当疼痛袭来,稳定情绪,不要让它助长了痛感。He is endowed with an inventive mind.他天生具有发明才能。You were a bit rude, if you don't mind me saying so.你有点粗鲁,如果你不介意我这样说。She spends her nights lying in bed, replaying the fire in her mind.她好多个晚上躺在床上,不断想起火灾场面。His advice wasn't very helpful. I'm not criticizing him, mind!他的建议用处不大。我并不是在批评他,请注意!Everyone should have the right to speak their mind.每个人都有权说出自己的想法。Freed from the bonds of convention and the fear of what others may think, the mind responds with new solutions.从传统的束缚中解脱出来,不再担心别人会有什么看法,顿时感到柳暗花明。They don't mind paying over the odds for something unusual.他们并不介意为不寻常之物而破费一番。I want this wedding to be perfect, never mind the cost.我要这场婚礼办得很完美,不要管费用。Once she sets down the rules, there's no changing her mind.她一旦立下规矩,就不会改变。She put her disappointment to the back of her mind and concentrated on Dana.她放下失望的心情,把注意力都集中在达纳身上。She has a good mind.她头脑聪明。I've never seen a baseball game – do you mind if I come along?我从来没有看过棒球比赛,你不介意我和你一起去吧?I don't mind the noise.我不介意那种噪音。That noise is driving me out of my mind! 那噪声让我快疯掉了。I've a good mind to have it out with him here and now.我很想此时此地和他摊开来讲讲清楚。Would you mind to step aside to let me pass?请你走开一点让我走过去好吗?Iwant to go to my room, if you don't mind.如果你不介意,我要回我的房间了。Hold everything! He's changed his mind again.停下!他又变主意了。He pictured the scene in his mind's eye.他在脑海中想象这一场景。Memories stirred in Josie's mind.回忆在乔西的脑海中涌动。How could she have let something so important slip her mind?她怎么会忘记这么重要的事情?Two days later he changed his mind.两天后他改变主意了。Don't pay her any mind; she's always complaining about something.别理她。她总是抱怨个不停。It was unlike her to be so taciturn - she must have had something on her mind.她这么沉默寡言可不像她平时的样子一她一定有什么心事。




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