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词汇 demanding
例句 The pro-independence camp are demanding a referendum.支持独立的阵营要求举行全民公投。It was a demanding part that Collins played with consummate ease.柯林斯娴熟弹出的正是难度很大的部分。Activists are demanding the restoration of democracy.活动家们要求恢复民主。Bereaved family members are demanding more information about the plane crash.痛失亲人的死者家属要求了解飞机失事的更多情况。He took out a court injunction against the newspaper demanding the return of the document.他取得了法院强制令,要求报社归还那份文件。You can hardly be held responsible for Darrow waltzing in, cool as a cucumber, and demanding thousands of pounds.达罗不慌不忙、大摇大摆地走进来,索要几千英镑,这跟你一点关系都没有。She wrote to the company demanding an explanation.她写信给公司要求解释。Senators are demanding to know whether the vice-president is in any way connected with the arms suppliers.参议员要求知道副总统是否与军火商有联系。Some people are demanding the return of capital punishment for murder.有些人要求对杀人犯恢复死刑。The theatre-going public are very demanding.爱看戏的人要求很高。The laboratory was surrounded by protesters demanding an end to the animal experiments.实验室被抗议者包围了,他们强烈要求停止动物试验。Trying to continue with a demanding career and manage a child or two is an impossible juggling act.一边要做一份费神费力的工作一边又要照顾一两个孩子,这根本无法同时兼顾。He denies demanding money with menaces.他否认勒索钱财。My father was a violent, demanding man, who expected my mother to be completely submissive.我父亲是个粗暴苛刻的男人,他希望母亲对他千依百顺。Salvation requires difficult self-denial and demanding ascetic deeds.救赎要求在思想上进行艰难的自我否定,在行动上践行清心寡欲的清苦生活。My present job doesn't stretch me, so I'm looking for something more demanding.我目前的工作不能让我尽展所长,所以我在寻找更有挑战性的工作。He was at my door night and day, demanding my attention.他成天在我门前晃来晃去,想吸引我的注意。Bill was in the doctor's surgery demanding to know what was wrong with him.比尔在医生的诊疗室里想要知道自己到底得了什么病。The authorities have to manoeuvre the markets into demanding a cut in interest rates.当局不得不干预市场,迫其提出削减利率的要求。She was a frequent menace to British diplomats who would find her on their embassy doorstep, demanding safe passage home.她对于英国外交官来说是个大麻烦,因为她经常站在英国大使馆门口要求他们将其安全遣送回家。She had a demanding schedule with little free time.她的工作日程繁忙,几乎没有空闲时间。Ricky was a very demanding child.里基是个非常难伺候的孩子。She was a tough and demanding teacher, but she became mellower in her old age.她曾是一位严厉而苛刻的老师,但年老时就变得随和了。Demonstrators surged through the streets, demanding the President's resignation.示威者从街道上蜂拥而过,要求总统辞职。The workers are demanding their back pay.工人们要求领取拖欠的工资。Duff said he would be demanding a rematch.达夫说他会要求重赛。The union overplayed its hand by demanding too much, causing the company to withdraw what would have been its best offer.工会高估了自己的力量而提出了过高的要求,致使公司收回了他们此前提出的最佳方案。I have heard it is one of the most demanding courses at the university.我听说,这是大学里最耗时费力的课程之一。He had the reputation of being one of the most tight-fisted and demanding of employers.人们都知道他是最抠门、最苛刻的雇主之一。The Government seems to have created a more demanding obstacle course for aspiring students than ever before.看来政府已为胸怀抱负的学生设下了要求之高前所未有的重重难关。Teachers feel they have little room for manoeuvre when the curriculum is so demanding.课程要求很严格,教师感到没有多少发挥的余地。Nurses are demanding higher rates of pay.护士在要求提高工资。He found the rigours of the tour too demanding.他发现这次旅行非常艰苦。Parents are demanding to know the truth behind these disturbing rumours.家长们要求知道隐藏在这些令人不安的谣传背后的真相。She is demanding reimbursement for medical and other expenses.她正在索赔医药费和其他花费。There would be fewer international crises demanding his attention.需要他去关注的国际危机将会减少。She was a tough and demanding teacher, but old age has mellowed her.她曾是一位严厉而苛刻的老师,但老年时就变得随和了。Consumers are demanding more environmentally friendly products.消费者要求更多的环保产品。Health workers are angrily demanding higher pay.医务人员正怒气冲冲地要求增加工资。Police work is physically demanding and stressful.警察的工作很辛苦,压力很大。




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