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词汇 millions
例句 A famine started which, together with the war, carried away millions of lives.饥荒爆发,战争又起,夺去了数百万人的生命。Banks will lose millions of pounds because of new legislation.银行将因新法规的实施而亏损数百万英镑。Incomes of millions have increased beyond their dreams.千百万人收入增加,这是他们本人连做梦也没有想到的。He came out only slightly tainted by telling millions of viewers he and his wife had had marital problems.他在数百万电视观众面前公开承认自己与妻子的婚姻出现了问题后,声望只是略有下跌。Their chain of restaurants brings in millions of dollars a year.他们的连锁餐馆每年有几百万美元的收入。He is a role model for millions of young people.他是千百万年轻人的榜样。The terrorist groups have been extorting hundreds of millions of dollars.恐怖组织已经敲诈了几百万美元。This order is potentially worth millions of pounds to the company.对公司来说,这份订单有可能价值数百万英镑。Economic recession had thrown millions out of work.经济衰退导致数百万人失业。Lenin lives on in the minds and hearts of millions of people.列宁永远活在亿万人民的心中。This war has brought misery to millions.这场战争给无数人带来了苦难。A famine started which, together with the war, carried away millions of lives…一场饥荒开始了,再加上战争,夺走了几百万条生命。The use of fish oil to treat cancer has brought fresh hope to millions of sufferers.用鱼油治疗癌症的方法给数百万患者带来了新的希望。He was castigated in the media for making millions of dollars while the company went bankrupt.他趁公司破产赚了数百万美元,遭到了媒体的严厉批评。The strike has cost the company millions in lost sales/earnings/revenue. 罢工使公司损失了几百万美元的销售额/收入/收益。A City businessman swindled investors out of millions of pounds.一名来自伦敦商业区的商人骗取了投资者们数百万英镑。Light from the stars can take millions of years to reach Earth.恒星发出的光可能要经过数百万年才到达地球。The computer can perform millions of operations per second.这台计算机每秒钟可以运算数百万次。Some companies would be hit for millions of pounds in fines.一些公司将被处以几百万英镑的罚款。Lower interest rates pleased millions of mortgage payers.低利率对数百万按揭付款者来说是好消息。He has the power of life and death over millions.他手中掌握着千百万人的生杀大权。Each year, the government spends millions of dollars in payouts to corporate farms.政府每年都要支付数百万美元的巨款给企业农场。Pensioners have been done out of millions of pounds as a result of the changes.这些变化使领取养老金者损失了数百万英镑。The kidneys contain millions of tiny filtering units called nephrons.肾脏中含有几百万个被称为肾元的过滤单位。Her last book sold millions of copies.她的最后一本书销出了几百万本。His decisions could affect the lives of millions of people.他的这些决定会影响数百万人的生活。It is a sentiment shared by millions of his countrymen.这是他的数百万同胞共享的情感。They were responsible for literally millions of deaths.他们的确对数百万人的死负有责任。The governor's proposals would actually cost millions of jobs and suffocate the economy.总督的计划可能会造成上百万人失业,并束缚经济发展。America has assimilated millions of immigrants.美国同化了千百万移民。The city has invested millions of dollars in the museum.该城市对该博物馆已投入了数百万美元。The company has millions of dollars on deposit with several foreign banks.公司有数百万美元的存款存在多家外资银行。A Japanese consortium invested millions in the technology.一家日本财团在这项技术上投资了数百万美元。There are millions of hungry people throughout the world.全世界有成百上千万的饥民。After the crash the airline faced millions of dollars in claims.飞机失事后,该航空公司面临着数百万美元的索赔。The West's inaction has put millions of people at risk of starvation.西方世界不采取行动,导致数以百万计的人面临饥饿的威胁。He paid out millions of dollars in bribes.他行贿数百万美元。His shops stand to lose millions of pounds.他的店铺可能会蒙受数百万英镑的损失。Why is millions of pounds worth of state-of-the-art equipment lying idle?价值数百万英镑的先进设备为什么闲置不用?The city laid out millions of dollars for the new stadium.这个城市为建这座新体育场花费了数百万美元。




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