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词汇 mill
例句 I had the interview this morning - they really put me through the mill.我今早去面试了——他们真让我受了番折磨。He met mill hands, miners and farm labourers.他见过工厂工人、矿工和农场工人。Difficult decisions are grist to the mill for Graham.艰难的抉择成就了格雷厄姆。Water provided the motive power for the mill.水是这座磨坊的动力。Two thirds of the first generation of mill workers were women.制造厂最初的工人中三分之二是妇女。The mill employs a thousand workers.这家工厂雇用了一千名工人。According to the gossip mill, she has had his name tattooed on her shoulder.据坊间传闻,她把他的名字文在了肩上。The police questioned her for nearly three hours, during which time they really put her through the mill.警方审问了她将近三个小时,着实让她吃了些苦头。Wheat and rye are the raw materials for a flour mill.小麦和黑麦是面粉厂的原料。The rumour mill was abuzz with suggestions of a problem with the racehorse yesterday.谣言工厂昨天在喋喋不休地暗示那匹赛马存在问题。They selected the old mill as the start of the hike.他们以那座旧磨坊为徒步旅行的出发点。I was just a very average run-of-the-mill kind of student.我只是一个普普通通的学生。The mill produces what is widely acknowledged to be the finest wool in the world.那家工厂生产公认的世界最优质毛料。Any publicity is good – it's all grist to the mill.广告宣传总是好的 — 它总能起到作用。The mill was started up with scab labor.罢工期间有人坚持上工,使得工厂重新开始运转。I watched them mill the grain into flour.我看著他们把谷物磨成粉。They use these streams to generate power for the mill.他们利用这些溪流给磨坊发电。For many they clearly represent an alternative to run-of-the-mill estate cars.对于很多人来说,他们显然可以作为一般旅行车的替代品。By the time you have gone through the mill with various infertility treatments, you may well be too old to have children.等你饱受磨难完成各种不育治疗后,可能已经太老了,不能生育了。The area around the mill pond has also been landscaped.磨坊水池的周围也作了景观美化。The ore is mined and processed in an onsite mill.矿石从矿场采出并现场处理。It's all grist to his mill.这完全是对他有好处的事。The workers at the mill were put on short time.那个面粉厂的工人不得不面临开工不足。Ted was no run of the mill entrepreneur but an inventor with a fierce pride in his company.特德并不是一个普普通通的企业家,而是一位对自己的公司有着高度自豪感的创造者。The mill is driven by the water.磨是由水驱动的。She works in a textile mill.她在一家纺织厂工作。The new car was put through the mill.这辆新车经过了严格的测试。Climbing cost of cotton squeezes mill profits.上涨的棉花价格减少了纺织厂的利润。A historic woollen mill has been rescued from the threat of demolition.一个有历史意义的毛纺厂逃过了被拆除的危险。The mill machinery is still intact.磨坊里的机器依然完好无损。Some critics have described the school as a diploma mill. 一些批评者将那所学校比作文凭制造厂。The mill has the reputation of being one of the most energy-efficient in the world.这家工厂享有世界上能源效率最高的工厂的声誉。They put her through the mill.他们使她接受磨炼。He sauntered along the river to the mill.他沿着河边漫步走到磨坊。All in all, the companies overseas are in good heart and health and should bring grist to the mill in increasing measure as the years mature.总而言之,设在国外的公司情况很好,随着时光的流逝可能会愈来愈赚钱。He is an excellent soldier, having gone through the mill at military school.他是位杰出的军人,曾在军事院校受过严格的训练。Recently the rumour mill went into overdrive with suggestions that the couple might split.最近谣言工厂大为活跃,说他们俩也许要分手。The mill was finally shut down by state safety inspectors.工厂终于遭国家安全检查员关闭了。His name has come up in the rumour mill as a possible director for the project.有谣传说他可能出任这个项目的主管。It was a three day course and they really put us through the mill.课程为期三天,他们对我们进行了非常严格的考查。




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