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词汇 milk
例句 The milk soured quickly.牛奶很快就变质了。Breast milk can help protect babies against infection.母乳有助于保护婴儿不受感染。The milk has soured in warm weather.牛奶在暖和的天气里发酸了。There was goat's milk stinking out the fridge.冰箱里全是山羊奶难闻的气味。These milk cartons are a real bitch to open.这些牛奶盒真不好开。Would you like milk or sugar or both?你要牛奶还是糖,还是两个都要?Take the milk off the heat before it boils over.趁牛奶还没有煮沸溢出,把它从火上拿下来。It is quite normal for your baby to bring up some milk after feeding.宝宝喂奶后要呕出一些,这是很正常的。We're running low on milk.我们的牛奶快喝完了。We're short of milk, so go easy with it.我们的牛奶不多,所以要省着点。He drank lots of milk.他喝了很多牛奶。The sauce is made with milk and cheese.这个调味汁是用牛奶和奶酪做的。The milk in the bottle has frozen solid.瓶里的牛奶已冻成块了。Beat milk into the dry ingredients until the mixture thickens.把牛奶倒入干配料内,搅拌到混合料变稠为止。Why are these milk cartons so difficult to open?为什么这些牛奶盒这么难打开?Oil, milk and water are all liquids.油、牛奶和水都是液体。When her money was stolen she quickly realized there was no point in crying over spilt milk.钱被偷后,她很快明白对无法挽回的事感到后悔是没有用的。I added a little milk to mix the dough to the right consistency.我加了一点儿牛奶,好让面团稠度适中。Mix the dry ingredients first, then add the milk and eggs.首先把各种干的原料混合在一起,然后加入牛奶和鸡蛋。I meant to buy some milk, but it completely slipped my mind.我原本想买些牛奶,可是忘得一干二净。Use a mixture of one part milk to four parts water.用一份牛奶配四份水的混合物。Usually a woman's breasts produce milk spontaneously after the birth.女性的乳房通常在产后会自然泌乳。She spilled the milk just as she was getting up.她起身时碰翻了牛奶。When there is a glut of milk more products like yoghurt are made.当牛奶供应过剩时,便会多生产酸奶之类的产品了。He tried to milk information from me.他想从我这里套出消息。Young babies obtain all the nourishment they need from their mother's milk.婴儿所需营养均来自母乳。The milk looked all right, but when I tasted it, it was horrible.这牛奶看上去可以,可是我尝了一尝,味道非常糟糕。Put the milk in the fridge to keep it fresh.把牛奶放进冰箱以保鲜。She broke open the coconut and drank its sweet milk.她打开椰子喝里面的甜椰汁。The milk had turned/gone sour.牛奶已经变馊了A few people tried to milk the insurance companies.一些人试图从保险公司敲一笔钱。The cream is skimmed from the milk.奶油是从牛奶中撇取而成的。I'll have another drop of that Italian milk.我还要喝点那种意大利牛奶。We don't have any more milk - would you like some creamer instead?我这儿没牛奶了——加点儿咖啡伴侣怎么样?She spooned milk into the baby's mouth.她用汤匙把牛奶舀入婴儿口中。Gradually add milk, stirring constantly.逐渐加入牛奶,同时持续搅拌。If cream is unavailable, you can substitute milk. 如果没有奶油,可以用牛奶来代替。The cat will lick up the milk that is spilt.猫儿会把打翻的牛奶舔干净的。Do you take milk in your coffee?你的咖啡里要放奶吗?Many basic foodstuffs, such as bread and milk, are tax-free.许多基本食物如牛奶和面包是免税的。




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