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He might be a bore, but he was as quick-witted as a weasel.他也许是个很无聊的人,可是却像黄鼠狼一样机灵。I can tell you are a quick-witted man from the answers you gave.从你的回答中,我可以看出你是个有急智的人。John was always so quick-witted that I used to think he would have made a good secret agent.约翰总是这么机敏,我以前一直想他会成为一名优秀的特工。She was quick-witted and had an extraordinarily agile mind.她机智聪慧,思维极为敏捷。Throughout a lifetime of public service, he proved himself a quick-witted negotiator.他在一生的公职生涯中证明了自己是一个机智的谈判者。 |