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The soldiers kept the attackers at bay. 士兵们使进攻者无法靠近。He snatched up a rifle to ward off his attackers.他一把抓起一支步枪,挡开袭击他的人。He laid about his attackers with a stick.他用棍子狠揍攻击他的人。His attackers turned and fled.袭击他的人转身逃走了。According to the police, his attackers beat him with a blunt instrument.按照警方的说法,袭击者用钝器击打他。He managed to fend off his attackers with a stick.他设法用一根棍子击退了攻击者。The man pulled out a gun and managed to frighten off his attackers.那名男子拔出手枪,把袭击他的人吓跑了。They issued an ultimatum to the police to rid an area of racist attackers, or they will take the law into their own hands.他们向警方发出了最后通牒,要求肃清整个地区的种族主义暴徒,否则他们将自行采取行动。He appealed for information from anyone who saw the attackers.他呼吁任何看见袭击者的人提供信息。Unknown attackers riddled two homes with gunfire.来路不明的袭击者用枪炮将两处住宅打得千疮百孔。The victim had done nothing to incite the attackers.被害人没有做出任何刺激攻击者的事。The attackers launched another vicious onslaught on their victim.袭击者再度凶残地攻击受害人。Some animals give off an unpleasant odor that deters attackers.有些动物会发出臭味阻吓进攻者。The attackers stormed ashore at zero hour.突击者于进攻发起时刻强击登陆。He outsmarted his attackers and escaped unharmed.他以智慧战胜进攻者,安然无恙地逃出虎口。Her attackers seemed to take special pleasure in her humiliation.袭击她的人似乎专以看她受辱为乐。The dead men could have been the victims of mistaken identity. Their attackers may have wrongly believed them to be soldiers.这些死者可能是替罪羊,袭击者可能误以为他们是当兵的。The teenage attackers fled when the two men fought back.当那两名男子回击时,袭击他们的少年逃之夭夭。Both her attackers were wearing masks and gloves.袭击她的两个人都戴着面罩和手套。Many victims of crime are reluctant to press charges against their attackers.许多罪案的受害者不愿意指控侵害他们的人。They had turned the tables on the attackers.他们已反守为攻。They fought off the attack/attackers.他们击退了进攻/进攻者。The dead men could have been the victims of mistaken identity. Their attackers may have wrongly believed them to be soldiers.这些死者可能是被误杀了,袭击者可能误以为他们是当兵的。She refused to let go of her bag and kicked her attackers several times.她抓住包不松手,还踢了袭击她的人几脚。They succeeded in fending off the attack/attackers.他们成功避开了这次袭击/那些袭击者。The terrorist group is still looking to revenge itself on its attackers.恐怖组织仍在寻找时机对攻击者进行报复。The civilians were helpless against their attackers.平民面对袭击者无力抵抗。The woman managed to fight off her attackers.这位妇女设法击退了攻击者。The two women were hacked to pieces by their attackers.两名妇女遭袭击者碎尸。Machine guns mowed down the attackers.机关枪扫灭了进攻者。She struggled, hitting out at her attackers.她挣扎着,朝袭击者打过去。He was cheered to learn that his two attackers had been arrested.他高兴地得知,向他行凶的两人已经被拘捕了。 |