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词汇 attachment
例句 I'm sending the document as an attachment. Please let me know if you have trouble reading it.我将此文件以附件形式发送,你阅读若有问题请告诉我。This food processor has a special attachment for grinding coffee.这个食品加工器附有一个专门用来研磨咖啡的装置。I'll send the document as an attachment to my next e-mail.我将在下一封电子邮件中把这个文件作为附件发出。The hallway leads to a bathroom with bath and shower attachment.这条过道通向配有淋浴设备的浴室。He was sent on attachment to their offices in Hong Kong.他被派到他们在香港的办事处工作。She felt a very strong attachment to him.她对他十分爱慕。She formed a deep attachment to the child.她养成了对孩子深深的眷恋。Mother and child form a close attachment.母子情深。I sent the file as an attachment.我把该文件作为邮件附件发了出去。You only have to open an attachment to pass the infection from computer to computer.你只要打开邮件附件就能感染计算机。He has a sentimental attachment to his old high school.他对高中母校有种情感依恋。They're Russian by birth but they've lived in America for so long that they feel little attachment to their homeland.他们是俄罗斯人,但已经在美国住了很长时间,对故乡的感情很淡了。I'll send the spreadsheet as an attachment.我将把电子表格作为附件发送。I can't always open my emails – it has something to do with the type of attachment they come with.我不是每次都能打开我的电子邮件,这同邮件的附件类型有关。The filter has suckers for attachment to the side of the tank.过滤器带有连接到水箱边上的吸管。An attachment sprang up between him and her.他与她之间产生了爱情。She's on attachment to Australia for a month.她临时在澳大利亚工作一个月。Secure attachment is believed to be important for healthy development.安全感据信是改善健康的重要因素。As a teenager she formed a strong attachment to one of her teachers.少女时代的她曾迷上了自己的一个老师。No attachment was included.没有附件。Hooks were fixed to the wall for the attachment of the ropes.钩子固定在墙上以连接绳索。People need emotional attachment.人们需要情感依靠。Before coming on my attachment to a City law firm, I spent a year at Strasbourg University.在被临时派往伦敦的一家律师事务所工作前,我在斯特拉斯堡大学学习了一年。I need a longer attachment for the drill.我需要一个长点的钻头。There are two brackets for attachment of the shelf.有两个支架连接这个架子。When you send an e-mail you can also send a sound or graphic file as an attachment.在发送电子邮件时,你也可以附上一份声音或图片文件。The villagers retain a strong attachment to their traditional values/customs/beliefs.村民们依然固守着传统的价值观/习俗/信仰。They all have a deep attachment to the old house.他们都对老房子有很深的眷恋之情。She formed a strong attachment for him.她对他产生了热烈的爱慕之情。The email message contains an attachment.这封电子邮件有一个附件。Use the mixer's paddle attachment to mix the dough.用搅拌机的搅拌桨和面团。I feel no attachment to the countryside.我对农村没有感情。The local farmer, despite his strong attachment to traditions, is receptive to innovation.这位当地农民尽管牢牢地受传统思想的束缚,对新事物却仍能接受。




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