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词汇 miles
例句 The new doctor's practice was miles away from where I lived.新开的诊所离我住的地方有几英里远。When I woke up, I felt miles better.当我醒来的时候,我感觉好多了。They live miles from anywhere. 他们住得很偏僻。They had already walked a couple of miles from their starting point.他们已经从起点步行了几英里。You could tell by the expression on her face that she was miles away, thinking about home.从她的表情你就可以看出她心不在焉,在想家呢。They drove five miles and stopped to eat.他们行驶了五英里,然后停车吃饭。The president travels thousands of miles as he barnstorms the country.总统奔波数千英里,在全国进行巡回政治演说。We went many miles that day.那天我们走了很多路。The second film's miles better.第二部电影要好得多。Pupils living within two miles of the school are expected to pay their own bus fares.住在离开学校不到两英里的学生车费自理。The vast plains stretch for hundreds of miles.辽阔的平原绵亘数百英里。They're still miles from an agreement.他们仍然各持己见。We walked for close on five miles.我们差不多走了五英里。Giovanni has the best Parma ham for miles around.方圆数英里内,乔瓦尼的帕尔马火腿最棒。The cathedral dominates the landscape for miles around.大教堂在方圆数英里的乡间高高耸立着。I was running 20 miles a week in my build-up for the race.我赛前准备阶段一星期跑二十英里。After the explosion, a plume of smoke could be seen in the sky for miles around.爆炸发生后,方圆几英里都能看得见天空中的烟雾。I make the distance ten miles.这段距离我估计是十英里。We live about five miles from Boston.我们住在离波士顿大约五英里远的地方。There are coastguard stations every ten miles along the coast.沿着海岸每隔十英里就有一个海岸警卫站。They have the kind of weapons that can zap the enemy from thousands of miles away.他们拥有那种可以将敌人消灭在千里之外的武器。The hotel is miles from the station - I'll come and get you.旅馆离火车站很远,我会来接你。We walked for miles.我们走了几公里的路。The car was spanking along at sixty miles an hour.汽车当时正以每小时六十英里的速度行驶。She ran two miles and wasn't even perspiring.她跑两英里甚至都不出汗。I chased them at a dead run for three miles.我拼命地追了他们三英里路。After a few miles, a small road branched off to the right.过了几英里后,右侧出现一条小岔路。You're not going to pin it on me! I was a hundred miles away at the time.这事你别想赖我!我当时还在一百英里之外呢。They live miles from nowhere. 他们住在极偏远的地方。They lived out in the country, miles from nowhere.他们住在乡下,离任何有人的地方还有好几英里。He missed that kick literally by miles.他那一脚踢丢得确实相差好几英里远。Traffic backed up for miles because of the accident.这个事故使交通堵塞了数英里。Hounds pursued the fox for miles.这群猎犬跟在狐狸后面追了好几英里。The huge explosion shook houses up to five miles away.巨大的爆炸使五英里以外的房子都震动了。The reverberations could be heard for miles.阵阵回响几英里外都能听见。Guards shadowed the escaped prisoners for several miles before capturing them.警卫跟踪了那些越狱者好几英里才抓到他们。The tower is a landmark visible for miles.这座塔是数英里外可见的地标建筑。He was wearing trousers that looked miles too long.他穿着看起来实在太长的裤子。They live inland about three miles.他们住在距海岸三英里左右的内陆地区。To the east of the pier were miles of sandy beaches.码头的东面是数英里的沙滩。




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