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词汇 最起码
例句 At the very least, Higgins should have to pay a fine for what he's done.最起码希金斯应该为自己所做的事交罚金。It is common decency to give your seat to anyone in greater need.给更有需要的人让座是最起码的礼貌。It's the least I can do.这是我最起码可以做的事情。The food was hot, if nothing else. 最起码,食物是热的。At a minimum, we must recruit two new teachers.我们最起码应该招两名新教师。Giving him food was the least we could do.给他饭吃是我们能做的最起码的事。If you smoke, try to give up or at least cut down.如果你抽烟,那就尽量戒掉,或最起码要少抽。During the war there was only a skeleton train service between London and the Channel ports.战争期间每天只有最起码的几班火车往返于伦敦和英吉利海峡港口之间。I know you're bored, but can you at least try to act interested.我知道你感到乏味,但你能最起码装作感兴趣吗?New parents go without much sleep for at least the first few months.初为父母的人最起码在头几个月里睡不了多少觉。Believe me, it's the least I can do, a mere trifle.相信我,这是我最起码能做的了,只是小事一桩。She's always doing favours for us. The least we can do is help her out now.她总是在帮助我们,现在我们可以做的最起码是帮她一把。The prisoner secured the return of some of the basic amenities of life.囚犯争得一些最起码的生活便利。Let me do it. It's the least I can do.这事让我来做吧,这是我所能做的最起码的事。His acceptance of a huge loan from a shady businessman looks suspicious to say the least.他从一个不可靠的生意人那里接受了一笔巨额贷款,这事最起码可以说是可疑的。At the very least, the Government must offer some protection to mothers who fear domestic violence.最起码,政府必须向害怕遭受家庭暴力的母亲们提供某些保护。Her bag was light, packed with only the bare essentials.她的包很轻,只装了一些最起码的生活必需品。This certificate is the minimum qualification required to teach English in most language schools.要在大多数语言学校教英语,拥有这个证书是最起码的条件。As visitors, the least we can do is be civil to the people in their own land.作为来访者,我们最起码能做到的就是对当地人要彬彬有礼。If you have to go, at least wait until the storm is over.如果你非走不可,最起码等暴风雨停了再走。There's no need to thank me for my help. Considering all the help you've given me in the past, it was the least I could do. 不必言谢。想想过去你对我的所有帮助,这是我能做的最起码的事情。Nobody had the decency to inform me of what was planned.竟然没有一个人最起码地通知我一声计划了些什么。




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