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词汇 mile
例句 His lack of experience sticks out a mile.他缺乏经验,这显而易见。He won the election by a mile. 他以压倒性优势赢得选举。The situation was desperate. The enemy were now only a mile away.情况万分危急,敌人现在只有一英里远了。He ran a mile, give or take a few yards.他跑了一英里,最多相差几码。The trail climbs for about a mile before it levels off.小路向上延伸约一英里后变得平坦。The small town of Whitehorse, Alaska consists of a half-mile long main street and a few scattered houses.阿拉斯加的怀特霍斯镇是个小镇,由一条半英里长的大街和一些零星的房屋组成。Gary stood out a mile in his purple hat.加里戴着紫色的帽子非常显眼。I ran a mile and then some.我跑了远不止一英里。His thoughts were racing a mile a minute.他的思维正在高速运转。There is a lake a mile to the south of here.从这儿往南一英里处有一个湖。We've been able to narrow the search to a three-mile area.我们得以把搜索范围缩小到三英里。John Brown wanted to be governor, but in the election he missed by a mile.约翰·布朗想要当州长,但在选举中遭到惨败。They had an eighty-mile journey and decided to hitch-hike.他们的旅途有八十英里,所以决定搭便车。Only another mile to go!只剩下一英里了!In tests, the bees navigate back home after being placed in a field a mile away.在多次试验中,放置于一英里以外田野中的蜜蜂都能飞回蜂巢。Men have twice as many fatal accidents as women do for every mile they drive.以每英里的车程计算,男人发生致命车祸的数量是女人的两倍。She was talking a mile a minute. 她一直在说,语速飞快。If someone asked me to marry them, I'd probably run a mile.如果有人来向我求婚,我可能会躲得远远的。The nuclear waste is buried a half-mile underground.核废料被埋在地下半英里处。They went on a ten-mile walk to raise money for charity.他们徒步走了十英里,为慈善事业募捐。He can't run a mile, much less complete a marathon.他连一英里都跑不到,更不用说跑一场马拉松了。The track petered out after a mile or so.大约一英里后,小路逐渐消失了。She manifestly failed to last the mile and a half of the race.显然她没能坚持跑完一英里半的赛程。About a mile to the west of town he came upon a large wood.他在镇子以西约一英里处偶遇一大片林地。We could see a boat about a mile from the shore.我们看到离岸一英里的地方有艘船。It's about half a mile down the road.顺路走大约半英里就到了。I have seen him walking down to the shops a mile or so away.我看见他朝大约一英里以外的商店走去了。We passed mile after mile of beautiful scenery as we drove through the country.我们驾车驶过乡间时,沿途经过的美丽风景绵延数英里。The mile run separates the men from the boys.从一英里赛跑的结果可以看出谁是真正的英雄好汉。He'd run a mile if I asked him to marry me.我要是提出和他结婚,他就会躲得远远的。The book's ending is so predictable that you can see it coming a mile away/off.这本书的结局很好预测,还剩一大截就能看出来。He was whacked-out on speed, jabbering a mile a minute and making no sense at all.他吸了安非他明,神志恍惚,嘴里连珠炮似的不知在说些什么。The hospital's just up this road, about a mile past the school.医院就在这条路上,在学校约一英里外的地方。I'm very squeamish and when I see needles I run a mile.我神经非常脆弱,见到针头就会逃之夭夭。The road slopes gently downwards for a mile or two.这条路缓缓向下延伸了一两英里。To run a mile, you have to run four circuits of the track.跑一英里必须沿跑道跑四圈。Roger Bannister's four-minute mile was a notable first in the history of athletics.罗杰·班尼斯特四分钟跑一英里在运动史上是引人注目的新纪录。He made the 90-mile round trip in one hour.他一个小时完成了九十英里的来回旅程。The event will be relayed to a giant TV screen a mile away.这项赛事将会在一英里以外的一个巨大的电视屏幕上转播。He struggled forward for about half a mile.他艰难地向前走了约半英里。




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