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词汇 meter
例句 The two companies cooperate in meter reading, billing and collection of accounts.这两家公司在抄表、开账单和收账方面进行合作。I forgot to feed the meter.我忘了给表充钱了。The electricity company will send an employee to read your meter.电力公司会派雇员去你那儿抄表。A meter is equivalent to 39.37 inches.一米相当于三十九点三七英寸。Britain's water companies are planning to meter water consumption.英国的自来水公司正计划计量水的用量。The electricity meter reading was much higher than I'd expected.电表上的读数比我估计的要高出许多。I couldn't find a parking meter, so I decided to park illegally and risk a tow-away.我找不到停车收费器,所以我决定冒着车子被拖走的危险违章停放。He broke the record for the one-hundred meter dash.他打破了百米赛跑纪录。Only a third of these households thought it reasonable to meter water.只有三分之一的住户认为按水表收水费合理。He finished first in the 100-meter dash.他在一百米短跑中得了第一名。One yard is nearly a meter in length.一码约等于一公尺长。If your water usage is very small it may be worthwhile opting for a meter.要是用水量很小,可以考虑装一个水表。The taxi driver left the meter running while I ran in to pick up my bags.我跑进去拿包时,出租车司机让计价器继续走字。The taxi driver kept the meter running.出租车司机让计价器一直走。The passage is only one meter in the clear.这过道内宽仅为一米。He left the restaurant to feed the meter. 他离开餐厅去付停车费。The taxi waited, the meter ticking away.出租车在等候,计价器嘀嗒嘀嗒地走着。Three-fourths meter is waltz time.三/四拍是华尔滋曲的节拍。The sun’s rays can give up to one thousand volts of electrical energy per square meter.太阳的射线能释放出每平方米一千伏的电能。Set the meter at zero.把计量表调到零。The taxi hummed in the road, motor idling, meter ticking over.那辆出租车在路上嗡嗡地响着,发动机空转着,里程表空走着。Has the man been to read the gas meter?这个人读过煤气表上的数字了吗?The meter is a measure of length.米是长度单位。It is a mere 100 meter from my house to the theater.从我家到剧场只有一百公尺。The gas meter reads 50.瓦斯表的读数是五十。I didn't have any small change for the parking meter.我没有零钱投停车收费表。They have the right to come in and inspect the meter.他们有权进来查表。He was there to read the electricity meter.他到那里抄电表。When officials like gas and electricity men call to read the meter, ask for identification.当有燃气或电力公司的职员来抄表时,要请他们出示身份证件。They're learning about meter and rhyme.他们在学习诗歌的格律和韵脚。Someone came to read the electricity meter this morning.今天早上有人来抄过电表了。Someone reads the water meter once a month.每月有专人查水表。I don't have enough change on me for the parking meter.我身上没有足够的零钱付停车费。One hundred centimeters make one meter.一百公分等于一公尺。




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