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词汇 人类
例句 Humanity has made great progress in space exploration and medicine.人类在太空研究和医学上取得了很大进展。The ancient Taoists recognized this primal urge of mankind.古代道家认识到了人类这种最基本的渴望。It is sickening that human beings have done this to two innocent young women.人类竟会对两个无辜的年轻女性做出这种事来,真是让人震惊。The moral corruption he saw around him made him misanthropic.见到周围道德败坏的情况,他憎恨整个人类Man is the only animal that thinks.人类是唯一会思考的动物。Until that event he had been remote, reserved, intolerant of human folly.在那件事情发生之前,他一直孤高、矜持,容忍不了人类的愚蠢。They intend to introduce legislation to prevent human cloning.他们打算引入立法来阻止人类克隆。The dog's experiences left him with a deep distrust for mankind.这条狗的经历使它对人类产生一种深深的不信任。Such cruelty is a disgrace to humanity.这种残忍是人类的耻辱。Some scientists have voiced concern that the disease could be passed on to humans.一些科学家已经对这种疾病传染人类的可能性表示担忧。The chances of the disease being transferred to humans is extremely remote…该疾病传播到人类身上的几率微乎其微。The power of speech makes the human race unique among animals.语言的力量使得人类在动物中显得独一无二。Up to this point in time, mankind has not been able to develop a vaccine for EBOLA.到目前为止,人类还没有发明遏制伊波拉的疫苗。These islands are on the margins of human habitation.这些小岛处于人类聚居地的边缘。There was no visible evidence that humans had ever lived in this valley.没有明显的证据显示有人类曾经在这个山谷里生活过。The search for a better life is one of the most basic desires of human beings.寻求更加美好的生活是人类一个最基本的渴望。It brings humanity back to its originating source.它把人类带回起源的源头。It's the story of a kind of wild child in the forest who has little human contact until a country doctor finds her and tries to socialize her.故事讲述了一个在森林中居住、与人类接触甚少的女孩被一名乡村医生发现,并在医生的努力下适应社会生活的故事。Some scientists have voiced concern that the disease could be passed on to humans.有些科学家表示了担忧,认为这种病可能传染给人类It is one of the largest dam projects ever undertaken.这是人类所建造的最大的水坝工程之一。In order to survive human beings need to consume food and water.人类生存需要吃东西、喝水。Science empowers men to control natural forces more effectively.科学使人类能更有效地控制大自然的威力。Man was not yet in control of his environment.人类还不能控制环境。Theirs is a country that cherishes freedom and human dignity.他们的国家是一个重视自由和人类尊严的国家。Scientists should figure out how to keep the natural world from mucking up the affairs of people.科学家应该想办法防止大自然扰乱人类的活动。The invention of writing was the most revolutionary of all human inventions.书写是人类各种发明中最具有革命性的。We could all be wiped out by an A-bomb, an earthquake, or something of that nature.人类可能会被一颗原子弹、一场地震或其他类似的灾难灭绝。He is a practical humanist, who believes in the dignity of mankind.他是一个务实的人本主义者,信奉的是人类的尊严。He condemned racism as an offence to the human family.他谴责种族主义是让人类大家庭讨厌的东西。He urged them to adhere to the values of Islam which defend the dignity of man.他鼓励他们坚守伊斯兰教维护人类尊严的价值观。To treat human beings like animals is to degrade them.像对待动物一样对待人类是在羞辱他们。Human beings have a need for both independence and connectedness.人类既需要独立性又需要社会关系。He believes that religion allows us to develop our human potential.他认为宗教可以让我们开发人类的潜力。One day man may travel to the stars.总有一天人类会遨游星球。Alcohol, the grandmother of all mood-enhancing drugs, has been a prominent part of human existence for several thousand years.酒是所有提神药物之母,是几千年来人类生活的重要组成部分。Great novelists have an intuitive understanding of the workings of human emotions.伟大的小说家对人类的感情活动有种基于直觉的理解。A thirst for blood is the characteristic of Satanized man.嗜杀成性是撒旦一样的人类的特点。More than any other single invention, writing has transformed human consciousness.文字比其他任何一项发明都更显著地改变了人类的意识。The ergonomics of the new office furniture have reduced eyestrain and back problems among the computer users.新办公家具的设计安装运用了人类工程学原理,缓解了计算机使用者的视觉疲劳和背部病症的问题。The two studies disagreed on when people first started domesticating dogs from wolves.这两项研究在人类何时开始把狼驯养为狗的问题上持不同看法。




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