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词汇 mental illness
例句 We are trying to lay to rest the myths surrounding mental illness.我们试图使围绕精神疾病产生的种种神话寿终正寝。A strong link was found between parental mental illness and disturbance in their children.业已发现父母的精神病史和子女的精神障碍之间有密切的关系。She had to overcome the stigma attached to mental illness.她必须战胜精神疾病给她带来的耻辱感。Depression is a mental illness and can often be treated with drugs.抑郁是一种精神疾病,通常可用药物治疗。Unfortunately, there's still a stigma attached to mental illness.不幸的是,精神疾病仍然被看作是一件羞耻的事情。He had a history of mental illness and alcoholism.他有精神病史和酗酒史。In this type of mental illness, the usual pattern is bouts of depression alternating with elation.这种精神病通常的发病症状是时而萎靡不振,时而兴高采烈。Modern medicine has a large armoury of drugs for the treatment of mental illness.现代医学有大量可以用来治疗精神疾病的药物。Certain forms of mental illness can be triggered by food allergies.某些精神疾病会因为食物过敏而被引发。He has a long history of mental illness.他有很长的精神病史。He was suffering from a mental illness.他患有精神疾病。He told us truthfully that he had been in the hospital for mental illness.他诚实地告诉我们,他曾因精神疾病住过院。The programme helps people with mental illness regain stability.这一方案帮助心理疾病患者恢复稳定。As the editor's postscript reminds the reader, she was to endure two more spells of mental illness before the book was published.正如编辑在附言中提醒读者的那样,她在本书出版前还要再经历两次精神疾病发作的折磨。Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.最近几年对精神病的态度已有所改变。She has a long history of mental illness.她的精神病史很长。There is so much ignorance about mental illness.人们对精神疾病很不了解。People are often too embarrassed to admit that they have suffered from any form of mental illness.人们经常羞于承认自己患有任何一种精神疾病。They founded an institute for research into the causes of mental illness.他们成立了研究所,探究精神疾病的病因。The attack is a sad comment on the public's understanding of mental illness.这种抨击反映出公众对精神疾病并不理解。Although his mental illness had coincided with his war service, it had not been caused by it.虽然他刚好在他参战期间精神病发作,但他的病并不是由此引起的。She was beginning to show signs of mental illness.她开始显示出有精神病的迹象。Although his mental illness had coincided with his war service it had not been caused by it.虽然他的精神病刚好在他参战期间发作,但并不是由此引起的。A whole section is devoted to mental illness.有一个完整病区收治精神病患者。She has only told you about the latest episode in a long history of mental illness.她只对你讲了漫长的精神病史中最近的一段。We must stop treating mental illness as being of less importance than physical disabilities.我们必须摈弃精神疾病不比身体残疾重要的想法。More than three million people suffer from severe mental illness.三百多万人遭受着严重心理疾病的折磨。The Mental Health Trust works to raise awareness of mental illness and help people suffering from mental problems.精神健康基金会致力于提高人们对精神病的关注,并为精神病患者提供帮助。In her book, she draws on her first-hand experience of mental illness.她的书以自己患精神病的亲身经历为素材。We want to redefine the way people look at mental illness.我们想要使人们重新看待精神疾病。




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